
Contouring Resources: Oncology imaging for Clinical Oncologists and Fellows

As the Lung Contouring workshop is fast approaching, we thought we would put together some related resources which attendees might find useful.


British Society of Thoracic Imaging
NICE – Lung cancer in adults Quality standard [QS17]


Radiotherapy and Oncology

Translational Lung Cancer Research

Lung Cancer

International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics

Radiation Oncology


eBooks – OpenAthens login required

Basics of Oncology

Clinical Radiation Oncology

Thoracic imaging

Oncologic imaging: a multidisciplinary approach

Target volume delineation and treatment planning for particle therapy

Devita, Hellman and Rosenberg’s cancer

Up to Date

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and UpToDate’s peer review process is complete. Christie staff can access these using OpenAthens.

Stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung tumors

Principles of computed tomography of the chest


Shelfmarks apply to the Christie Library collection.

Essentials of clinical radiation oncology (2018)

Khan’s treatment planning in radiation oncology (2016)

Practical radiotherapy planning (2009)

At the time of writing there are still a handful of tickets left for the Lung Contouring workshop event at The Christie School of Oncology, so if this is your area of interest, you can see more about this event and book on here.