
Christie Library Reading Group

The Christie Library reading group meets bi-monthly at lunchtime to discuss a book we have voted on, with hot drinks and cake. Our first meeting took place in December and we talked about The Girl with Nine Wigs, a cancer memoir written from the perspective of a student.

The group is open to all staff and volunteers at the Christie, and you can drop in for some or all of the group, depending on your work commitments. We do not expect you to have read all of the book if you did not have time, the idea is that a group of staff can come together who may not usually get the chance to meet, and discuss and enjoy the books we choose. During each meeting some reading aloud of extracts from the book are done so everyone can enjoy the titles without feeling pressured to have read the whole thing.Our next reading group will take place on 21st February from 12-1 in the library IT Training room. The book that was chosen by members in a vote is: The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner.

Our next reading group will take place on 21st February from 12-1 in the library IT Training room.

The book that was chosen by members in a vote is: The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner.

To receive regular updates about the group and the current book, email