
Nursing journals – what should we take?

What do these journals and these journals have in common?

They are all:

  1. Nursing journals
  2. Available to all Christie nurses with an NHS OpenAthens
  3. Are currently being poorly used.

At the moment the Library & Knowledge Service can not justify taking these journals.  We are trying to find out why this is happening and asking you to think about if a different selection might meet your needs better.  Unfortunately we have to work with a limited budget so we can’t buy all the journals that you might request but we want to produce a better used collection than at the moment.

On the other hand it might be that you just don’t know how to find and access journalsIf this is the case, contact the library for an update or attend one of our training courses

So should we cancel them?

What should we buy in their place?

Have your say on the future provision of journals for you.  We are attempting to email all nurses to tell you about a survey which we want you to complete.  The link is available on the library page on the intranet (Hive > Department > Library).  Make sure you have your say.  The survey closes on 19th October 2018