
Hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) Cancer: Resources available

HPB Signature

As there is a Advanced Clinical Practice Hepatopancreatobiliary Masterclass coming up next month we thought we would put together some resources for advanced practitioners and those who wish to update their understanding of the
HPB system.

NHS Staff: Many links will ask you to log in with OpenAthens to access the full resource, if you have any trouble accessing something, please get in  touch with your Trust library.

For non-NHS readers: you will find you can access the resources with an asterisk *

More information about the forthcoming study day can be found here – the event aims to provide a forum for clinicians and colorectal MDT teams to discuss the management of patients with advanced and complex colorectal cancer. Topics include referrals, treatment options, the role of the clinical nurse specialist, the MDT panel and management closer to home.

*NICE Guidelines:


Suspected cancer: recognition and referral

NICE Pancreatic Cancer Overview


*Resources for patients:

Pancreatic Cancer UK – resources for patients diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, and information about research and funding opportunities.

Cancer Research UK – section on living with Pancreatic Cancer: aimed at patients


Christie Research:

*Impact of biliary stent-related events in patients diagnosed with advanced pancreatobiliary tumours receiving palliative chemotherapy. (Open Access PDF available)

*Biliary tract cancer: implicated immune-mediated pathways and their associated potential targets. (author manuscript downloadable from website)

The impact of advancing age on incidence of hepatectomy and post-operative outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases: a population-based cohort study.

* PHOTOSTENT-02: porfimer sodium photodynamic therapy plus stenting versus stenting alone in patients with locally advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer. (Open Access PDF available)

* Akt inhibition improves long-term tumour control following radiotherapy by altering the microenvironment. (Open Access PDF available)

* Targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in addition to chemotherapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Open Access PDF available)

Royal Marsden Manual

Click Here  – OpenAthens access is required, Christie staff will find Christie Policies are in Pink.


Click Here – – OpenAthens access is required



Please note: this list is not exhaustive.

Christie staff: contact the library to be sent the table of contents for these journals whenever a new issue comes out!



hpb surgery journal

*HPB Surgery

*HPB : The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association#

British Journal of Nursing


Cancer Nursing

*BMC Nursing

download (1)

*Case Reports in Gastroenterology

*Gastroenterology and Hepatology

*Comparative Hepatology



Cancer Nursing Practice


Gastric Cancer

Journal of Gastrointestinal & Liver Diseases

Clinics and Research in Hepatology


Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer


eBooks: log in with OpenAthens


Blumgart’s surgery of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas


Netter collection of medical illustrations: digestive system: part III – liver, biliary tract, and pancreas 


Medical Masterclass: gastroenterology and hepatology  

More information about the forthcoming study day can be found here – the event aims to explore redefined care for lung cancer patients from a multi-disciplinary context.

Attendees will explore updates regarding current genetic approaches to treatment, and the importance of support from all members of the team.