
Day 7: Health Information Partnerships #HIW2018

The Christie Library & Knowledge Service working with the Cancer Information Centre, Chaplaincy and The Christie at Oldham produced a bid to fund books for patients in these areas.  Patients are benefiting every day from access to this material.

But did you know …

book-2268948_960_720All public libraries across England have reading well books to help you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing
booksManchester public library service has a home-delivery service for Manchester residents called Books to Go.  This is aimed at people with limited mobility, a visual impairment or any difficulty leaving their home.  Watch the video


In hospital?  Again Manchester public libraries have a whole range of services you can use, available on your smartphone or tablet and all for free! Find out more here about how to access ebooks, emagazines and talking books from Manchester public libraries.

Leaflets about both these 2 services are available from the Cancer Information Centre, opposite M&S at the Oak Road Entrance, The Christie Hospital