
New resource: BMJ Best Practice

You can now access BMJ Best Practice with your OpenAthens username and password. BMJ Best Practice is a decision making tool that gives you fast and easy access to the latest evidence.

It uses the latest research, guidelines and expert opinion to give guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. It includes links to the BNF and BNFC.

If you have any questions about accessing or using BMJ Best Practice please contact the library. We would also love to hear any feedback you have about this.

Using BMJ Best Practice

Log in to BMJ Best Practice by clicking on the link below (links are also on the Christie library intranet and internet sites)

Log into BMJ Best Practice

You can quickly search for conditions, symptoms or treatments in the search box on the home page


Then see a list of related topic overviews, guidelines and other related information.


If you select a disease topic you will be able to focus on the information that you need.


What else is in BMJ Best Practice?

Procedural videos

BMJ Best Practice also contains videos of procedures. These videos are very short and will very quickly show you how procedures are done.


Cutting edge evidence

You can use the Evidence Based Medicine toolkit to learn the fundamentals of evidence-based medicine. It contains loads of information from starting your search to synthesising the evidence, including calculating risk, appraising systematic reviews and RCTs and it signposts to tools to make this easier.

They have also teamed up with Cochrane Clinical Answers to provide highly synthesised answers to clinical questions. Evidence is displayed in a user friendly format, mixing narrative, numbers and graphics along with key data including Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and GRADE summaries.


BMJ Best Practice on your phone

In addition to using it on a desktop, you can also use it on your phone. The site is mobile accessible.

If you download the BMJ Best Practice app you will access to all this information even if you are not connected to WiFi or mobile internet. To use the app you will need to create a free account (after logging in with OpenAthens) then use that account to log into the app.

The app is available on iOS and Android, simply search the app/play store for “BMJ Best Practice”.

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