
Getting started with resources from Mark Allen Health

Christie staff now have access to the range of resources available at Mark Allen Health. We have a handy link to their website on our page on the intranet as you can see below, but if you are reading this from a work computer you can also click this link.

Remember, we have a temporary trial of Mark Allen Health, so please let us know if you think we should extend our subscription beyond November 2016 by contacting us at the library.



That link will take you to a page which requests your NHS OpenAthens log on. Please get in touch with us if you have any queries about OpenAthens, registering is a simple process and can be done from the link on the left-hand menu of our site on the intranet as pictured above.

Once logged in with NHS OpenAthens, the homepage gives you handy links to all of the journals available, if you know which journal or article you need to find. If not, you can perform a search in the box on the top right hand corner.


Here shows what comes up when you use the search box, a simple keyword of oncology brings up hundreds of articles but brings up the opportunity to filter down results.


Clicking on the article you would like to take a closer look at, gives you an abstract and links to downloadable PDFs.


If you have more in-depth questions about the resources available on Mark Allen Health, or any other literature or database searches, get in touch with us, or check out our training sessions available to Christie Staff on the intranet HERE.

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