
Education is changing…


In light of strict social distancing and restricted footfall measures at The Christie, moving forward we are extending our offering of ‘virtual’ learning and livestreaming for our forthcoming programmes.

The transition will enable educational study days to be available to all healthcare professionals, regardless of location – UK or overseas.

Livestream audience participation will be enabled, with the facility to ask questions, engage with panel discussions and take part in polls and voting. This will be an exciting new change in our approach to education events, and will support our ethos that cancer education is still at the forefront of what we do for patient care.

If you would like to book onto one of these study days you can do so by clicking here.

For more information on our courses at The Christie click here and look out for future blog posts where we will be focusing on specific study days.

In light of strict social distancing and restricted footfall measures at The Christie, moving forward we are extending our offering of ‘virtual’ learning and livestreaming for our forthcoming programmes.

The transition will enable educational study days to be available to all healthcare professionals, regardless of location – UK or overseas.

Livestream audience participation will be enabled, with the facility to ask questions, engage with panel discussions and take part in polls and voting. This will be an exciting new change in our approach to education events, and will support our ethos that cancer education is still at the forefront of what we do for patient care.

If you would like to book onto one of these study days you can do so by clicking here.

For more information on our courses at The Christie click here and look out for future blog posts where we will be focusing on specific study days.


Library Training now available via MS Teams

We are pleased to announce we are piloting some library training in June which will be delivered remotely using MS Teams.

All sessions will have a maximum of four participants.

Literature Searching: 18th June 9:30am-12:30pm BOOK HERE

Introduction to Critical Appraisal: 19th June 2:30pm-4:30pm BOOK HERE

Mendeley Reference Manager: 24th June 10:30am-11:30am BOOK HERE

If you have any questions about these sessions, please get in touch with us library


Elsevier Patient Access Programme

Elsevier have a Patient Access Programme where patients and carers can request access to medicine and healthcare journals articles.

Sounds simple enough, patients and care-givers can e-mail with title, author or doi, etc. and you receive your paper free of charge, within 24 hours.

image credit:

For more information on this initiative, click here.

For more information on getting access to research from Elsevier, including in accessible formats, click here.


Try out Oxford Medical Simulation in the Library’s VR Sandpit!

Oxford Medical Simulation have a range of medical virtual reality scenarios which we can access until the end of February 2020.

Christie Staff and students on placement at The Christie can try out the following scenarios:

– Neutropenic Sepsis

– Acute Severe Asthma

– Upper GI Bleed 

– Seizure and Hypoglycaemia

We are facilitating drop-in sessions in the library (Dept 60) between 10am -4pm, Monday to Thursday. To avoid disappointment please make sure you ring ahead of your visit on 446 3452


Christie Library Christmas Newsletter

Happy Christmas
and a wonderful new decade

Click here for holiday opening times

New manager, old manager

After nearly 5 years at the Christie, the current manager Mary Hill is retiring. Dan Livesey will be taking over, bringing a fresh look to the library team. He has been blessed with the most wonderful library team to support him in taking the library service into the new decade. Exciting times ahead…

Virtual Reality – time to try out in 2020

Do visit the library to try out the VR equipment.

You can travel through the proton beam gantry stopping to find out what various areas/equipment do; you can become frail; take some medical training in A&E; sit and experience a relaxing world and many other things.

Journals for 2020

We have had to make some savings so we no longer subscribe to some journals but have tried to keep as many as possible going. The titles we no longer have access to are

  1. Oncology Nursing Forum
  2. Nurse Education Today

However the pathologists have access to this journal (department sponsored)
International Journal of Gynecological Pathology

Due to a change in the way the journal is provided we now have access not only to the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) but also the following

  1. JCO Oncology Practicekeeps oncology practices current on changes and challenges inherent in delivering high-quality oncology care.
  2. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics disseminates clinically relevant research based on biomedical informatics methods and processes applied to cancer-related information.
  3. JCO Precision Oncologyprovides information to advance the science and practice of precision oncology and define genomics-driven clinical care of patients with cancer.
  4. JCO Global Oncologyopen access journal focused on cancer care, research and care, delivery issues unique to countries and settings with limited healthcare resources
  5. ASCO Educational Book published yearly highlighting the most compelling research and developments across the multidisciplinary fields of oncology

So what is the best way to access an article?

If you have a proper reference e.g.
Ray-Coquard I, Pautier P, Pignata S, Pérol D, González-Martín A, Berger R, et al. Olaparib plus Bevacizumab as First-Line Maintenance in Ovarian Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 2019 Dec 19;381(25):2416–28

Go to BrowZine > Type in NEJM (or New England Journal of Medcine) > Find Vol 381 Issue 25 and scroll down to page 2416. OpenAthens may be required but this is a really simple system.

If you want to find a set of articles on a topic
Then you need to use the Healthcare Databases but remember to login via the Login for all databases button. We offer training on this. Link is internal

Library services

Don’t forget that the library offers a literature searching service to support work improvement projects and research. We also offer training in:

  • Advanced literature searching
  • Introduction to critical appraisal
  • Using a reference manager e.g. Mendeley

Training can be via our programme, one to one or customised to your department.

Look out for our new set of training lunch time bites on understanding journal impact factors, relative risk and study types.


Seasons Greetings from your Library Team


Christie Library Late Autumn Newsletter


Chris T Bear is sneaking a quick read during these cold, dark days!  What a good time to explore our fiction section.

Randomised coffee trial (RCT)


Another thing to help your wellbeing is to meet with people and that is the idea behind the RCT – a chance to meet somebody you don’t know in the Trust and have an informal chat. 
Closing date
is Friday 15th November.
Check it out here

Shared reading


Next session is Thursday 21st November.  You just turn up bringing your lunch and share a passage from the book Educated by Tara Westover and here any views of those who have read the book.
12pm IT training room
Thursday 12th December

Training dates for 2020

Training room Mary and LizDates up to June have now been added so what a good time to get yourself booked on to one of the sessions for literature searching, critical appraisal, Mendeley – reference manager or the Cochrane Library.
See the dates here
NEW FOR 2020
Bite size lunchtime sessions.  Keep your eyes peeled for these on topics such as risk and bias

Journals for 2020

browzine appAgain we have had to cut a few titles due to poor usage.
The 2 titles lost are
Oncology nursing forum
Nurse education today
We were also going to cut JCO Precision Medicine but the JCO have changed their offer and we can now only buy it as a package which will include the following titles
JCO; JCO Oncology Practice; JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics and JCO Precision Medicine.

To find a journal titles look for the symbol above on our front page.  Do ask us to show you how to get the best out of your journals.  More information on BrowZine journal App   How to access articles  

A member of the library staff can also come and speak to your department at lunchtime or as part of a meeting.  Please contact to find out more.

Book suggestions

815PQFhzzLL This book was suggested by a member of staff.  We now have it as a physical book and as an electronic book.

We want to know what you need to help you in your studies and work, especially if you are doing an apprenticeship.

PLEASE suggest some titles of books for us to buy to meet your needs.  Send suggestions to

Christmas opening times

img_1924 Staffed open as follows :
Christmas Ever: 9-2:30
25-27 December – closed
30-31 December – 9-4:30
1 Jan 2020 – closed
Open as usual from 2nd January

Lone working: late night / weekends

Reminder to anyone who visits the library late at night or at the weekend: we strongly advise you to sign in with security in Oak Road before visiting the library.

All staff have access out of hours with their ID badge.


It’s back and ready to brighten up a November day! – It’s The Christie Randomised Coffee Trial (RCT)


Some basics

  1. The idea is to meet somebody in the Trust you wouldn’t normally meet on an informal basis and have a chat over a coffee/tea/cold drink.
  2. It helps you as a person … it is nice to talk!
  3. It can break down silos and link together people who would not normally meet.
  4. Available to all Christie staff including our satellite sites.
  5. You can talk about anything you want to talk about. Maybe hobbies, maybe families, maybe holidays or even maybe work!

When is it?

We are planning to run it from Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November 2019, although meetings don’t have to take part in that week.  It just gives a focus

How do I sign up?

email: before the end of Friday 15 November 2019 giving your job title and location and name you prefer to use.

What happens then?

  1. We will pair you at random with someone else at The Christie. It could literally be anyone from a clinical colleague to a volunteer to the Chief Executive., depending on who signs up.
  2. We will email you by the end 18 November to introduce you to your RCT partner.
  3. It is then up to the two of you to get in touch with each other and organise a 15-30 minute chat over coffee (sorry you will have to provide your own drink).
  4. It would be nice if you can meet up between the 25-29 November but it is not essential.
  5. It need not be coffee – it can be any drink or refreshment, whatever works best for you.
  6. If the two of you are on different sites, you can have a virtual RCT, say over Skype or the phone, still with a cup of coffee.
  7. After the RCT, we will send you another email asking how you found the experience.

Comments from our last RCT in May 2019

Finding out about another role I had no idea existed! But following on from this, it has given the team ideas on how we can work with this person/team to develop part of the service we provide into something new and innovative.

“It was really interesting to meet someone for purposes other than work. Certainly that’s a good place to start a conversation, but it was good to chat about life and experiences in general.”

Learning about another clinical team Being able to share some information helpful to my colleague I nearly cancelled because I was so busy but was so glad that I didn’t because the encounter re-energised me for the rest of the day!

“It was really nice to talk about how we joined the Christie and ended up in Manchester, our current and future plans. In summary it was a pleasant informal, enlightening chat.”

We plan to have another coffee after the summer to talk about our holidays

“Continue to meet monthly to support each other.”

Really good experience, especially as I had only started working at the Christie for a few weeks prior to the RCT so it was a great way to meet even more people!

“Even though in my day to day job role I am quite confident, meeting new people randomly like this is something that is completely out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed it and am so glad I did it.”

I am not sure how many people participated, but to increase this would be good. Managers would need to support their staff to do so as managers themselves probably find it easier to be flexible with time.

“I think it works really well, very informal, you don’t feel under any pressure. You can arrange to meet anywhere in the Trust.”

There were many other comments and of those who responded to the questionnaire afterwards (which was over 50% of the people who took part) all said they would do it again!



Introductory Resources for Car-T Therapy


The upcoming course on CAR-T Cell Therapy at the Christie School of Oncology on 5-6 November is a collaboration with Manchester University.

We have put together some introductory resources so you can feel more informed about this new area of practice.

CAR-T Cell Therapy is a new and exciting development in the treatment of haematological cancers.

Introductory resources:

Explaining the Hype: CAR-T Cells  

About Car-T Cells (US resource)

Bloodwise UK provides explanation in plain language aimed at a UK audience

UK service information

UK Patient information (Cancer Research UK)

NICE recommends another revolutionary CAR T-cell therapy for adults with lymphoma

Journal Articles

Journals in Orange are Free/Open Access at the time of posting. The rest are accessible for Christie Staff with Open Athens, and if you are not based at The Christie, will be available via your own Trust Library

*Neurological toxicities associated with chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (Rubin, 2019) Source: Brain, Volume 142, Issue 5, May 2019, Pages 1334–1348

Managing the toxicities of CAR T-cell therapy (Neelapu, 2019) Source: Hematological Oncology; Jun 2019; vol. 37 ; p. 48-52

Risks and Benefits of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell (CAR-T) Therapy in Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.(Grigor et al, 2019) Source: Transfusion Medicine Reviews; Apr 2019; vol. 33 (no. 2); p. 98-110

Associated Toxicities: Assessment and management related to CAR T-cell therapy. (Anderson & Latchford, 2019) Source: Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing; Apr 2019; vol. 23 ; p. 13-19

*Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR T) Therapy for Hematologic and Solid Malignancies: Efficacy and Safety—A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. (Wen-Liang & Zi-Chun, 2019) Source: Cancers; Jan 2019; vol. 11 (no. 1); p. 47-47

CAR T-cell therapy: perceived need versus actual evidence. (The Lancet Oncology, 2018) Lancet Oncology; Oct 2018; vol. 19 (no. 10); p. 1259-1259

Management of the Critically Ill Adult Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cell Therapy Patient: A Critical Care Perspective. (Gutierrez et al, 2018) Source: Critical Care Medicine; Sep 2018; vol. 46 (no. 9); p. 1402-1410

*Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (Ogba et al, 2018) Source: JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network; Sep 2018; vol. 16 (no. 9); p. 1093-1106

CAR T-cell design: a long road ahead (The Lancet Haematology) Source: The Lancet Haematology; Mar 2018; vol. 5 (no. 3)

*CAR T-Cell Therapy: On the Verge of Breakthrough in Many Hematologic Malignancies. (Stadtmauer & Mangan, 2017) Source: Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology; Apr 2017; vol. 8 (no. 3); p. 228-231

Developing infrastructure: Managing patients with cancer undergoing car T-cell therapy (Halton et al, 2017) Source: Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing; 2017; vol. 21 (no. 2); p. 35-40

Cytokine Release Syndrome: Inpatient care for side effects of CAR T-cell therapy. (Smith & Venella, 2017) Source: Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing; Apr 2017; vol. 21 ; p. 29-34

* Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy tackles blood cancers. (Brower, 2015) Source: JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute; Apr 2015; vol. 107 (no. 4)


Books in the Christie Library


A Beginner’s Guide to Targeted Cancer Treatments (Vickers, 2018)

We have this book as a hard copy and an ebook

Log in with your OpenAthens password and access the ebook here


Immuno-oncology (Michielin and Coukos, 2015)

See chapter on T-Cell Engineering including therapeutic application

Log in with your OpenAthens password and access the ebook here

CAR-T therapy has been described as a potentially game-changing treatment in the management of cancer patients, and has recently been approved by the NHS for blood cancers.

However, the development of the product and the delivery of CAR-T cell therapy is complex, with the potential for patients to develop specific side effects.

This course outlines the key concepts of CAR-T, and will provide you with the knowledge to recognise and manage the initial toxicity of treatment.

For more information and to book a place on this 2 day course click here


Anesthesia and Critical Care for Peritoneal Malignancy Resources

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Here is a round up of resources in time for next week’s 2nd International Conference in Anaesthetic and Critical Care for Peritoneal Malignancy, which is being held at The Christie. To find out more about the event, click here.

The latest from #ChristieResearchers in our Repository:

Evolution of treatments for peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer.

A study to explore the patient’s experience of peritoneal surface malignancies: pseudomyxoma peritonei.

Laparoscopic cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (L-CRS/HIPEC) for perforated low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN II)

Referral pathways and outcome of patients with colorectal peritoneal metastasis (CRPM)

Long-term quality of life after cytoreductive surgery and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy for pseudomyxoma peritonei: a prospective longitudinal study.

A systematic review of prehabilitation programs in abdominal cancer surgery.

Referral pathways and outcome of patients with colorectal peritoneal metastasis (CRPM)



OpenAthens required, contact your local Trust Library for more details.

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine [ClinicalKey eJournal]


Anaesthesia and Intensive Care [Proquest eJournal]

Anaesthesia critical care and pain medicine [ClinicalKey e-journal]


Anaesthesia & Intensive Care [EBSCO ejournal]

Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care [EBSCO ejournal]  

Anaesthesia Supplement [EBSCO ejournal]  

British Journal of Anaesthesia [HWfree]





Management of peritoneal metastases – cytoreductive surgery, HIPEC and beyond [Dawsonera ebook]


Bailey and Love’s short practice of surgery [Dawsonera ebook]

Advanced training in anaesthesia [Dawsonera ebook]


Critical care secrets [ClinicalKey ebook] 

Essentials of equipment in anaesthesia, critical care and peri-operative medicine [Clinicalkey ebook]

Books held by The Christie Library and Knowledge Service

Lecture notes – clinical anaesthesia (2017)

Fundamentals of anaesthesia (2016)


Cytoreductive surgery and perioperative chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancy  (2017)

Treatment of peritoneal metastasis (2018)

Acute and critical care nursing at a glance (2018)

Advanced critical care nursing (2018)

Oh’s intensive care manual  (2018)

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To secure your space at next week’s conference, click here
