
Brief guide to using Micromedex

micromedexWith your OpenAthens login you can access the MARTINDALE’S pharmacology information provided by The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.  Look for the button on our Intranet site or click here

Unfortunately we do not have full access to all the features of Micromedex, but we do have access to Martindale’s and the Micromedex app.

Enter your OpenAthens details and click on buttonmicro-entry


Where to begin once logged in?micro-type


Here is an example of clicking on the results

You are presented with the drug choice (cabozantinib) and the drug group choice (Antineoplastics).  Explore each and you will get slightly different information.  Look at the information on the choice of antineoplastics to see what cancers can be treated with this group of drugs


Other useful features

  1. Select the calculators for dosing tools e.g. IV rate calculator
  2. Download the mobile app.  The password is updated on the 1st March each year so make sure yours is in date






Oxford Medicine Online: functionality tips and tricks! recently held a webinar which highlighted some of the functionality available in their e-book series, and here is a handy summary of what Christie staff can do with the platform from Ingrid, our Enquiry Services Librarian.

Once on the site what you want to do is log in right away:


It will ask you to select an organisation and Christie Staff should select ‘NHS England’ – it will then take you to the OpenAthens log on page.


Once logged on, you can create a personal profile, and by doing this the website will be able to record your history, including allowing you to make annotations to texts and save searches as well as exporting and sharing content with your colleagues, read on to find out more about these.


I highly recommend setting up a personal profile right away to give you the option to save and annotate content on the site, this is a very quick process but will mean any work you do can be saved for future reference. When you have set this up, you will see your name at the top right hand corner of the site and when you click on ‘My Work’ it will give you an overview of what you have already done.

personal-profile-my-workIt all begins with the search functionality. You can search freely for a specific topic in the search box, or select from the headings of Speciality, Career Stage and Series. Below I have selected from the Oncology Specialty, and made sure to check the boxes in the availability to display the maximum amount of resources available to Christie Staff, including our subscription titles, as well as free and open access content.


You can refine your search further in the sidebar on the left hand side of the page if necessary, and view by Chapters or Book titles. In the image above, you can see various options in the top right hand corner if you would like to save a search for future reference, print it off or email it to a colleague.


Here I have selected the title Oxford Handbook of Oncology. You can search within the title using the search box on the bottom left, and also expand each chapter if you prefer to browse. ox-handbook-onc

A simple search for ‘breast cancer’ within the title brings up all relevant sections for me.


Then when you have chosen the section you would like to read in more depth, the functionality gets even better. Simply highlight an area to be given the option to Annotate that part of the text, similar to making handwritten notes in a hard copy, this will be saved in the personal profile you created earlier, to refer back to.



It also actually highlights the text so that if you are ever looking on the site while in your personal profile your highlighting will stay there, handy for quick reference on the go.annotation-highlighted

At the end of each chapter is a Further Reading section and you can click the plus sign next to each one to give you options to find the resource.


I have saved this search and made one annotation now, and this is reflected in the ‘My Work’ section of my Personal Profile on the site. I can export annotations or email them to a colleague or group of colleagues, providing they are set up with a personal profile on the site, this is great for study groups.


Anyway we think the interface is pretty easy to use and much more interactive, giving eBooks the same kinds of functionality that real books have.

If you have further questions about the Christie’s ebook collection please get in touch with the library.






Dynamed Plus Trial


DynaMed Plus  is a clinical information resource that decreases time to answer for the busy clinician. DynaMed Plus provides evidence-based content written by a world-class team of physicians who synthesize the evidence and provide objective analysis to help clinicians in their daily practice.

Why not explore it today?  Find it on the front page of our Library Intranet page.  No passwords needed.  Look at it outside the Trust with OpenAthens.

This useful guide will help to get the most out of the site including showing you how to:

  • search
  • get updates
  • look at the calculators
  • install the app

Key features

  • provides UK guidelines including NICE
  • updated daily
  • contains Micromedex drug content
  • you can browse by speciality
  • graphics and images included
  • overview and recommendations section included
  • you can create alerts
  • mobile app version

Please take a look before the end of February and tell us what you think!



Royal Marsden Manual – Now with Christie Policy!

The Royal Marsden Manual has now been edited with pink annotations for Christie policy where it takes priority over the Royal Marsden Procedure. This means Christie staff can keep up to date on Christie specific guidance on the go.

Within the trust the manual is fully accessible via – one for your bookmarks! If accessing from offsite you will need your OpenAthens password.



Local procedures are also highlighted throughout the manual so that within each chapter, it is easy to keep track of Christie policy where it takes priority over Royal Marsden procedure.


If you want to learn more about using the manual, a series of instructional videos are online here and remember there are regular training sessions at the library on getting the most out of the various resources that can help you keep up to date and save time when you need information.



Big January Book Drive


We are calling for members of the library to donate any unwanted books during the month of January to the Christie Library, as we would love to grow our ‘reading for pleasure’ section. All books suitable for the library will be catalogued, and anything else will be sold to raise funds for new acquisitions.

So any fiction or non-fiction (but not work related) books you would like to donate would be most welcome! It is coming up to Spring cleaning season after all!



Happy Christmas from the Library!

A few notes…

  1. Just a quick reminder about the Christmas staffed times
    • Bank Holidays and weekends – unstaffed
    • All other working days normal hours of 9am – 5.30pm
  2. If you have a Christie badge, you have 24 hour access to the library using this – yes this includes weekends and bank holidays!
  3. The self-issue and return are now working
  4. If you want to take books out, you will now need to get a barcode to do this.  If you think this will be in unstaffed times, make sure you come in and pick up your barcode beforehand
  5. Remember you can subscribe to our blog posts and follow us on Twitter: @christielibrary

Wishing you all a happy Christmas and an excellent 2017!


Dr Chris T Bear and his snowy companion did not have the smile of innocence when library staff looked for their mince pies this afternoon!



December is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month


Suspected cancer: recognition and referral – NICE (June 2015)
Section 1.3.1 Colorectal Cancer (p17)
p41 Change in bowel habit
p44/5 rectal bleeding


The below graphs (credit Cancer Research UK) display statistics on bowel cancer survival rates. The statistics show that more than 9 out of 10 people (90%) survive their cancer for 5 years or more when it is diagnosed at an early stage.







Venous thromboembolism following colorectal resection.

P-061 Real-world experiences of use of aflibercept in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer in the North-West of England

An exploration of food and the lived experience of individuals after treatment for colorectal cancer using a phenomenological approach.

A pivotal phase 3 trial of MABp1 in advanced colorectal cancer



ncer diagnosis



New resource: Palliative and End of Life Care

A new website has been created for the National Palliative and End of Life Care Partnership – a broad group working to set standards and improve care by providing a “framework for action in making palliative and end of life care a priority at local level.”

The website is still in its formative stages but it already contains information for those working in Palliative and End of Life Care in England, as well as other relevant guidance documents on specific aspects of palliative and end of life care and will continue to grow as a hub for those working in the sector as more resources are added.

It already holds information about the report entitled “Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: A national framework for local action 2015-2020” which outlines improvements and focuses. This is also downloadable as a slide show summarising the information. There is also elaboration on each of the six ambitions:


Ambition 1 – Each person is seen as an individual

Ambition 2 – Each person gets fair access to care

Ambition 3 – Maximising comfort and wellbeing

Ambition 4 – Care is coordinated

Ambition 5 – All staff are prepared to care

Ambition 6 – Each community is prepared to help

The website is aimed to be accessible at work on a computer or on the go via a smartphone and is definitely worth exploring!




Christie Library Christmas Competition


To celebrate this festive time of year we will be giving away a £10 book token to one of our readers. All you need to do to be in the draw is:
free glitter text and family website at
While at the library we will also issue you a barcode for our revitalised 24 hour self service kiosk. There will also be a runner up prize of a free coffee from the Starbucks café in the hospital.


Self checkout kiosk back up and running in the library!

Our self checkout kiosk is now working after a spell of being under the weather. We have set it up so that you can scan a barcode which makes it much easier to borrow books especially out of hours.

Come and speak to a member of staff to set up your account with a barcode!
