
via: @midyorkslibrary – Dementia Resources

Our colleagues at Mid Yorkshire Staff Library have put together this informative post about Dementia, which will be pertinent to the care of many patients at the Christie. Well worth taking a look!


The Alzheimer’s Society states that there are currently 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to over 1 million by 2025 and 2 million by 2051! More facts and figures from The Alzheimer’s society can be found here. With a growing number of people now suffering with dementia we have […]

via Focus On: Dementia Resources — Mid Yorkshire NHS Staff Library


We have various Dementia resources for staff in the Christie Library and can set up subject specific literature searches on this topic! Just drop us an email, or if onsite enter your search requirements into our literature search request form on the intranet.

We also have resources aimed at patients with Dementia, currently based in the library, including some titles from the Pictures to Share series. Ask us for more information.



#internationalnursesday – an overview of resources for Christie Nurses

In honour of International Nurses Day, here is an updated overview of some of the resources we provide for Nurses here at the Christie with some handy links.

When onsite, all online resources can be accessed through the Library’s Nursing Resources Web pages. If elsewhere, you will need your OpenAthens account to access much of the content, and can start here on our public webpage

Literature Searching

Make use of nursing databases such as CINAHL and BNI and general medical databases such as Medline to facilitate your literature searching.

Training is provided and bookable via the events diary on the intranet – if the times or locations offered do not suit you or your team, email us and we can set something up for you.

Literature searches can be carried out for you by library staff and the results sent to your email account!

Please note: Nursing staff at the Christie are allowed two free interlibrary loans per year per nurse. If you would like to request an article this way, please let us know when you order an article


Nursing Books

Many nursing books are now available via the library catalogue in electronic format and accessible online – including:
Oxford Handbook of Oncology
• Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures
Selected pages or chapters may be saved or printed.
But remember we have a large collection of books on Nursing and specific areas of Oncology in the library itself, Dept 60 – accessible from the staircase/lift by Pharmacy on the ground floor!

Quiet space male and Mary and Nurses.jpg

Keep Up to Date with the latest Research

Why keep up to date?
>To enhance clinical decision making
>For educational and academic purposes
>Guideline and Protocol development
>Professional Development

Select journals you are interested in and have the Electronic Table of Contents (ETOCS) emailed to your desktop. Choose from many titles including:
• Journal of Advanced Nursing
• Cancer Nursing Practice

The library can set this up for you! Just let us know what topics or titles you are interested in.

Sign up for the Latest News and Research Updates, receive new and relevant information as it is published or becomes available!
We can also run regular monthly searches for you across a number of databases such as, Cinahl, BNI or Medline.

For more information, assistance or training in the use of library resources, Christie staff can contact the library on 0161 446 3452


e-Learning For Healthcare now free for OpenAthens users

eLearning resources now available with your OpenAthens account!

All OpenAthens account holders now have access to a large set of elearning resources from Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH).

This organisation works in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.


All content is nationally quality-assured and available for free, 24/7.

The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point.

HEE e-LfH has added the e-LfH Hub and its thousands of e-learning sessions to the list of OpenAthens resources to make it easier to access them.

You can find the new content by going to Log in with your OpenAthens username and password, and click on My Resources in the menu on the left hand side.





Books for Patients at the Cancer Information Centre!

170504 Patient Information Centre booksAn exciting collaboration between the Christie Library and Knowledge Service and the Cancer Information Centre is now available in the Information Centre (Department 7). We have been ever so excited to share this news with staff and hope it becomes a valuable and well-used resource.

  • Books focus on patient experience, understanding cancer and health and wellbeing
  • There are also fiction and non-fiction books to read for pleasure or for family members to dip into when waiting in the hospital
  • Patients and family can use them within the Trust or borrow them
  • The chaplaincy will have a collection to use
  • A collection of books suitable for those with dementia will also be available

Do come and have a look and tell your patients and their families about it!



Weekend Library Access Information

2015 counter

Just a quick post to let readers know that work is being carried out in the consultants’ corridor over a number of weekends, which will prevent access to the library via the usual route.

During this time, access to the library will be via Nathan House Courtyard and the fire exit stairs at the weekend. This will last for approximately 7 weekends, probably starting Friday 12th May. 

We will be posting news flashes on this intranet the Thursday before the weekend work as well as instructions on the alternative route to the library.

If you have a problem accessing the library during this time, please see Security in the office at the end of the glass corridor or telephone 3387 / 8585

Any further queries please contact the library on 3452


The Browzine App!

browzine app

Download the BrowZine app today to access articles from our journal subscriptions using your mobile, tablet or e-reader!


To access BrowZine from your smartphone or tablet, download the BrowZine app from the appropriate app store:

App Store – for Apple phones and tablets

Google Play – for Android phones and tablets

Amazon – for Kindle

Once downloaded, Choose Library – Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Enter your OpenAthens Username and Password

You arrive at the search page where you can look for your journal reference to download an article (which can be saved to read offline) or browse our collection












Also click on My Bookshelf where you can add your most read journals for easy reference!




Helping you to help patients with trustworthy information sources

In this age of fake news in a reality where anyone can create a legitimate looking website, it is really important to remember that many patients need a little guidance on where to find trustworthy sources of health information and guidance. This post is aimed to signpost staff to good leaflets, websites and hand-outs for patients.

36% of patients with a long-term condition, over 5.5 million people, disagree that they were given helpful information about their condition when they were first diagnosed

21% of patients, representing over 3.2 million people, disagree that they have enough information to feel confident in discussing decisions about their care with their doctor

29% of patients, over 4.4 million people, feel that their views are not taken seriously by their doctor

taken from an open access presentation by Lisa Burscheidt (Assistant Librarian at Aubrey Keep Library, North East London NHS Foundation Trust)

First and foremost, NHS Choices is the UK’s biggest health website. Health Education England have recently brought out a guide to using NHS choices which is aimed at patients, but is also really useful for all NHS staff who have patient contact, it is available from the Knowledge for Healthcare website here and will be revised every six months inline with the regular changes to NHS Choices.


Developed by Health Librarians, this guide is for staff and the public to use to find the wide range of health information freely available on NHS Choices. Using screenshots and short descriptions, the guide can be used as a teaching tool or a standalone leaflet.

Knowledge for Healthcare


There is also a free online course here at Learn My Way (Good Things foundation, formerly the Tinder foundation) which helps you to get the best out of NHS Choices as a resource.

A user friendly booklet has been developed by Joint Education and Training Library (JET) Library, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to help advise the public on where to find trustworthy health information online and this is available to download here and can be printed off to hand out to the public.

Here at the Christie we are of course lucky enough to have the fantastic Cancer Information Centre as well, which has a huge selection of leaflets as well as a really welcoming and helpful team of staff. More information about this service is available here.



Spring 2017 Newsletter


Another picture of Fog Lane Park by Library Manager Mary, this time in Spring!
  • A huge thanks to all of the generous donations during our Big January Book Drive we can proudly present our expanded books for breaks section! That and some new acquisitions for the Health and Wellbeing collection mean that there is plenty of new reading material available to peruse.
  • Janet, the Trust’s Nursing Librarian has been working hard on the Royal Marsden Manual, as we blogged about recently it has a lot of Trust specific information and labelling.
  • The Browzine app continues to be popular, and we have a blog post about it planned soon but in the meantime here is a guide to downloading it to access and read our journal subscriptions on the go!
  • Lots of staff have been taking us up on our offer of training sessions on literature searching, Open Athens and reference managers recently, so we must be helping  achieve New Years resolutions of research and study! You can browse and book our range of training on the intranet right here!
  • Remember, the Christie has a Repository of works by staff here – the library staff work hard to keep this up to date and it contains a wealth of knowledge so do take a moment to have a look.
  • We also have some other exciting projects on the go and can’t wait until we can finally share them with staff!



Trip Database

Thanks to Mid Yorkshire NHS Library for putting together this incredibly informative blogpost about Trip… click through to read all of the tips – to access this resource Christie Staff simply need to go to while logged into a Trust network PC.

Today we wanted to shine the light on Trip Database – a tool which allows healthcare professionals to find the best available evidence to answer their clinical questions. The database contains links to thousands of sites, offering the highest levels of evidence, such as systematic reviews and clinical guidelines. As well as providing research evidence […]

via Focus On: Trip Database — Mid Yorkshire NHS Staff Library


March is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

The Stats (via Cancer Research UK)


Find the guidelines

Image via Prostate Cancer UK

Behind the headlines

“MRI scans could spare 25% of men from prostate biopsies” – Friday 20th January 2017

check out: for the full article

…Overall, this study provides good evidence that using an MP-MRI test before a biopsy can result in a much lower proportion of men undergoing unnecessary biopsy. However, the lower accuracy of predicting patients without the disease means that patients with a suspicious MP-MRI scan will still need a biopsy. That is because the current results suggest that in cases where the scan gives an “all-clear” there is around a 40% chance that this is actually an incorrect result. can help you and your patients understand what it is like to have a health condition, by hearing about the experience from patients who’ve been through the same.

Supporting your learning

No time to read Cochrane Reviews? Think again!


Cochrane Clinical Answers covers 32 Clinical Specialties and provide a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from the Cochrane Review. The target audience for Cochrane Clinical Answers is healthcare practitioners and professionals.

Some examples of questions to Cochrane Clinical Answers:

  • What are the effects of exercise for managing cancer-related fatigue in adults?
  • In men with prostate cancer, how do psychosocial interventions affect outcomes?
  • In cancer survivors, what are the effects of interventions aimed at enhancing post-treatment return to work?


Image via Prostate Cancer UK

Recently published

Management of Prostate Cancer in Elderly Patients: Recommendations of a Task Force of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology Article in press Eur Urol March 2017

…by Christie Staff

Assessing Prostate Deformation with a 100 cc Endorectal Balloon in situ during Prostate Radiotherapy Planning

Prostate cancer: Can I have a PSA test please nurse?

Prostate cancer awareness survey to proud postcards

Real time data collection: improving prostate cancer research

More articles available to view at The Christie Repository