
Enhanced Supportive Care – Resources

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Supportive care is increasingly seen at the forefront of the prevention and management of the adverse effects of cancer as well as cancer treatments. There has never been more of a need for oncology and supportive care services to interface seamlessly and provide a joined up approach for the care of our patients.

In conjunction with the upcoming Enhanced Supportive Care: Cancer Toxicity Management Conference on 5-6 July 2018, we have  put together some of the resources that you may find useful in this subject area.

Many links will ask you to log in with OpenAthens to access the full resource, if you have any trouble accessing something, please get in  touch with your Trust library.

Introductory Resources

Dr Richard Berman’s blog for NHS England

Guidance for providers and professionals  – Link to PDF Document from NHS England

Berman R, Elliott E, LaMola L, et al O-1 Enhanced supportive care in cancer 

Useful websites:

Other key resources:

The World Health Organisation Global Atlas of Palliative Care at the End of Life – PDF

DH 2010; Living with and Beyond Cancer – Taking Action to Improve Outcomes
(National Cancer Surivorship Initiative). – PDF

Key Papers – may require log on with Open Athens 

Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. (Temel et al, 2010)

Effect of early palliative care on chemotherapy use and end-of-life care in patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. (Greer et al, 2012)

Early Versus Delayed Initiation of Concurrent Palliative Oncology Care: Patient Outcomes in the ENABLE III Randomized Controlled Trial.(Bakitas, 2015)

A novel approach to improving ambulatory outpatient management of low risk febrile neutropenia: an Enhanced Supportive Care (ESC) clinic (Cooksley et al, 2018) – this article would require an inter-library loan for Christie Staff, please get in touch with the library if you would like to obtain it. 

Latest Publications

159 Enhanced supportive care (esc): results from the national cquin data (year 1 (Berman et al, 2018)

Development and validation of the quality care questionnaire –palliative care (QCQ-PC): patient-reported assessment of quality of palliative care (Ho Yun et al, 2018)

NICE Guidance

Cancer service guideline [CSG4] Published date: March 2004

Improving supportive and palliative care for adults with cancer

Quality standard [QS13] Published date: November 2011 Last updated: March 2017

End of life care for adults