
Upcoming awards for NHS staff to apply for


RCNi Awards

RCNi Nurse Awards recognises and celebrates nurse innovators.

Staff group: Nurse/Midwife/Visit

Deadline: 9th February 2018



BMJ Awards

The BMJ Awards are the UK’s leading medical awards. Now celebrating 10 years of recognising the incredible work that healthcare teams across the country do every day, they aim to promote excellence in healthcare, showcase knowledge and experience that will inspire others, and give exposure to teams who demonstrate courage and passion for overcoming challenges in our common mission to improve outcomes for patients and communities across the country.

Staff group: Medical and Dental

Deadline: 26th January 2018



iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards 2018

The iESE Public Service Transformation Awards celebrate the best in local public services. Over a range of categories we look for those transformations in public services that have had the demonstrate true innovation and have delivered the biggest improvement for the lives of residents and local businesses.

Staff group: All staff

Deadline: 26th January 2018


Notes: All public sector


RCN Award of Merit

The Award of Merit is the highest honour the RCN bestows for service. As an RCN member, if you know someone who has dedicated their time and energy to helping RCN members, you can nominate them for an RCN Award of Merit.

Staff group: Nurse/Midwife/Visit

Deadline: 26th January 2018


Notes: All year round submission. Nominations made by Friday 26 January 2018 will be considered for presentation at Congress 2018 in Belfast.


RCN Fellowship & Honorary Fellowship

RCN members can nominate people for exceptional contributions to nursing or health care. Fellowships are for RCN members who are registered nurses in the UK. Honorary Fellowships are awarded to non-nurses or nurses registered outside the UK.

Staff group: Nurse/Midwife/Visit

Deadline: 26th January 2018


Notes: All year round submission. Nominations made by Friday 26 January 2018 will be considered for presentation at Congress 2018 in Belfast.


BIR Bayer Make It Better Service Award

The award will be given to the group of people who have demonstrated the best improvement in an aspect of service delivery by making it more effective, or have improved patient experience. This might be an innovative design of a piece of kit or changes to a patient pathway that has improved patient comfort or made the pathway less invasive, reduced delays or improved the environment for the patient.

Staff group: Allied Health Professionals

Deadline: 28th February 2018
