Drive decision-making with a clinical search engine that gives you quick access to better evidence.
Thinks and works like a clinician, recognising concepts and offering shortcuts.
Draws relevant answers from a wide range of current, comprehensive content across 30+ medical and surgical specialties.
Accessible at the patient’s bedside or on the go, making it easy to discover, share and apply content anywhere.
Content from Elsevier, the name healthcare professionals worldwide rely on.
Access through OpenAthens at
ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that supports clinical decisions by making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge.
ClinicalKey combines in-depth medical content with Smart Search technology, making critical answers more discoverable: delivering fast, concise answers when every second counts, and deep access to evidence whenever, wherever you need it.
Through its mobile optimized website and free app, ClinicalKey enables access from any device, including tablets and mobile phones.
ClinicalKey is backed by Elsevier, the world’s leading provider of evidence-based, peer-reviewed health and science content, providing trusted answers from the latest books, journals, guidelines, multimedia and more.
ClinicalKey provides full text access to more than 1,000 books and 600 journals, across medical and surgical specialties, and is indexed daily to ensure you have the best and most current knowledge at your fingertips.