
Health Information Week #HIW2017

Health Information Week (HIW) is an annual, multi-sector campaign to promote the good quality health resources that are available to the public and to encourage partnership working across sectors.  This year it is 3rd-9th July.

What does it mean for Christie staff?

In the context of  Making Every Contact Count, you can ensure that patients, carers and families can access the information they need.

  • Let them know about our excellent Cancer Information Centre, in the glass corridor
  • Point them to the NHS Choices site at
  • Tell them about the many books to support them at their local public library

What does it mean for the Christie patients, carers and families?

They will be confident in the information they receive

  • At the Cancer Information Centre they can talk to staff who can signpost them to a wide variety of information and support.  There are even health & well being books that can be borrowed
  • NHS Choices is the official website of the NHS England containing articles, videos and tools to help them make the best choices about their health and lifestyle, but also about making the most of the NHS and social care services
  • Public libraries support the ‘Reading Well’ and ‘Books on prescripton’ campaigns which help people understand and manage their own health and wellbeing using helpful reading.  ‘Mood-boosting books’ is another national scheme supported by public libraries.  Visit yours today!

Roger Spencer, Chief Executive of The Christie, supports the best information for patients.HIW CE