
Happy Christmas from the Library!

A few notes…

  1. Just a quick reminder about the Christmas staffed times
    • Bank Holidays and weekends – unstaffed
    • All other working days normal hours of 9am – 5.30pm
  2. If you have a Christie badge, you have 24 hour access to the library using this – yes this includes weekends and bank holidays!
  3. The self-issue and return are now working
  4. If you want to take books out, you will now need to get a barcode to do this.  If you think this will be in unstaffed times, make sure you come in and pick up your barcode beforehand
  5. Remember you can subscribe to our blog posts and follow us on Twitter: @christielibrary

Wishing you all a happy Christmas and an excellent 2017!


Dr Chris T Bear and his snowy companion did not have the smile of innocence when library staff looked for their mince pies this afternoon!