
Autumn 2016 Newsletter


Before Autumn creeps into Winter, we thought we would write a little newsletter to keep Trust Staff updated on library happenings…

  • This summer we welcomed new member of staff, Ingrid, who is now the Enquiries Desk Librarian on Thursdays and Fridays. So far she is really enjoying being part of  the Library Team here at the Christie. She has also created this blog and is available for one to one training for any staff needing to set up a blog for work or research purposes.
  • We launched our new Library Intranet Page, we hope you’re enjoying the eye-catching home page and finding it easier to navigate.
  • Mary and Tim represented the Trust at the CILIP Health Libraries Group conference in Scarborough, one of the sessions we delivered focused on the Christie Repository.
  • We tweeted lots! Follow us for daily news and research information
  • Our Macmillan Coffee morning was a great success, raising £176.20 for Macmillan Cancer Care!
  • We also welcomed lots of lovely new books into the library


We hope you’re enjoying the cosy feeling of Autumn and remember, the library is a lovely place to study 24/7 now it is term time for some of you. We are enjoying all the enquiries from staff going back to learning this Autumn, and developing their research skills.

On a side note, the top image was taken by Mary our Library Manager, in the local Fog Lane Park. Do email us any photography submissions for our ‘Winter Newsletter’ post and we will feature our favourite, just put ‘Library Blog’ as the subject line and send it to