Blog Archives for tag Public health

DH Wellbeing and health policy

Source: Department of Health Link to main document Publication format: PDF Date of publication: 6th February 2014 Summary of… Continue reading »

Health policy under the coalition government: A mid-term assessment

Source: King’s Fund Link to main document Publication format: PDF Date of publication: November 2012 Summary of driver: This review was writtend half… Continue reading »

Public Health White Paper

Title of driver: Healthy lives, healthy people: our strategy for public health in England Source: Department of Health Link to… Continue reading »

Working with Public Health and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Project Team Caroline Timothy – Public Health & Commissioning Librarian; Gary Sutton – Knowledge & Evidence Service Manager; Tracy Flute… Continue reading »

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Title of driver: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Source: Department of Health Link to main document Publication format: PDF Date… Continue reading »

Public Health England structure

Title of driver: Public Health England structure: factsheet Source: Department of Health Link to main document Publication format: PDF from… Continue reading »