44 Regional Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)

Impact on library policy/practice: 

  • The opportunity to link with senior management and find out what information they need to progress their STP.
  • Ideal opportunity to promote time saving services such as current awareness and LKS evidence searches.
  • Possibility of collaborative purchasing opportunities with other LKS both within and outside relevant STP footprint for resources purchasing to deliver financial savings and fitting in with Knowledge for Healthcare.
  • Opportunities to showcase how LKS can support  innovation and change, such as knowledge management skills and running simple KM events to encourage knowledge sharing, e.g randomised coffee trials and knowledge cafes
  • LKS can be an information hub on STPs for patients/carers on site, as well as connecting with public library colleagues.
  • Possible provision of LKS for the Local Workforce Action Boards.

Source: NHS England

Link to main document 

Publication format: Website, 44 STPs as pdf

Date of publication: All STPs were published in Oct/Nov 2016

Summary of driver:

NHS organisations and local councils are developing shared proposals to improve health and care. Working in 44 geographical areas covering all of England (called ‘footprints’), the plans are led by senior figures from different parts of the local health and care system.

The proposals are designed around the needs of whole areas, not just individual organisations, following discussion with staff, patients and others in the communities they serve.

The latest thinking is set out in 44 Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). These can be viewed below, alongside details of who is leading work in each footprint area.

Primary audience: All

Date last updated: 23rd March 2017

Due for review: 23rd March 2018

Group member responsible: TP

Evidence summaries to inform the Lancashire & South Cumbria STP

Project team: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  • Knowledge & Library Services Manager
  • Operational Librarian (Public Health lead)
  • Clinical Librarians
  • Public Health staff

Resources required:

  • Staff time


  • 4 Week timeframe from request to submission.

“The story”

As part of a collaborative working group, the Lancashire Public Health team were involved in finalising the STP which was due for submission in October 2016. In August 2016 a request was made to the library service for a literature search and evidence review to identify interventions which will deliver health benefits, contribute to quality and release efficiency savings by reducing emergency admissions, A&E attendances and GP consultations.

The library service completed 11 literature searches and carried out a mini-literature review and synthesis on each of the 11 topics including a detailed reference list at the end. The evidence summaries were shared amongst the team and delivered within the agreed 3 week timeframe. The Lancashire Public Health team were asked to prioritise the 11 searches and a strict schedule was agreed. The Library developed a process and sources for searching which was signed off by Lancashire Public Health with a view to streamlining delivery and standardising our approach.

Alignment to local, regional and national drivers:

Sustainability Transformation Plan Lancashire & South Cumbria http://www.lancashiresouthcumbria.org.uk/sustainability-and-transformation-plan Regional Transformation of Healthcare Delivery

Our Health Our Care https://www.ourhealthourcarecl.nhs.uk/ Local Transformation of healthcare delivery.

Impact for the Library

This case study was shared as best practice with other health library teams at a national level. It also raised the profile of the type of work that we do and provided a basis for us to become involved in the local Our Health, Our Care plan as our Clinical Librarian has attended the regional Solution Design Events to support redesign.

Impact for the organisation/customer

This work impacted on a number of areas, the STP was published and the Public Health team perceived that there was more informed decision making. The project also facilitated collaborative working and new ways of learning.

Crucially this project saved 80 hours of Public Health Staff time. “Myself and two other analysts would have ended up doing the searches and a couple of the other specialists. We’ve all been trained on searching, but time we would have spent on searching, which we could have been spending on something else” Kate Hardman, Information, Intelligence, Quality & Performance Manager.

Future impacts

Many of the following impacts will be realised after the STP has been published and changes begun to be implemented:

  • Improve patient care
  • Developing policies, audit and evaluation,
  • Organisation/service development/planning,
  • Commissioning or contracting,
  • Saving money or contributing to financial effectiveness

Lessons learned

Being really clear about what is achievable within existing timescales and having a clearly structured approach meant that the Library team could work together to turn around this work in a short timescale.

Sustainability/next steps?

The Library team have been able to adapt the content of our current awareness for the Public Health team to reflect the priorities outlined in the STP.

The Library team may be involved in future searches to review specific interventions in more detail.


Tracey Pratchett, Knowledge and Library Services Manager

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Developing People – Improving Care: A national framework for action on improvement and leadership development in NHS-funded services.

Title of driver: Developing People – Improving Care: A national framework for action on improvement and leadership development in NHS-funded services.

Source: National Improvement and Leadership Development Board

Impact on library policy/practice:

  • Library staff should take up the opportunity to attend training which their organisations provide, to develop leadership and talent management skills for the benefit of themselves, their library services and for when working with other libraries and services in wider projects.
  • There may be increased interest in the resources the library can provide to support the in-house development of leadership, talent management, systems leadership skills and training courses. Some libraries may wish to expand their collections in these areas.
  • Libraries may be able to highlight how their provision of literature searching skills training, literature search services and inter-library loan services can ease access to leadership and improvement resources; which the framework indicates can be difficult to access.

Link to main document:


Summary: https://improvement.nhs.uk/uploads/documents/10591-NHS_-Improving_Care-Summary.pdf

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: 1 December 2016

Summary of driver: This is the framework developed by 10 organisations that form the National Leadership and Improvement Board, to guide the development of compassionate leadership, systems leadership, quality improvement and talent management skills amongst NHS staff.

This is the first version of the framework – further regular updates are envisioned.

Key features of driver:

  • This is a framework for developing the skills of NHS funded staff at all levels, in clinical and non-clinical roles; and will in future include social care staff.
  • The focus is on developing leadership and improvement skills and knowledge to close gaps identified in the NHS Five Year Forward View:
    • Systems leadership, for cross boundary working and joining up healthcare systems,
    • Quality improvement methods knowledge
    • Compassionate and inclusive leadership
    • Talent management
  • The ultimate aim is that these capabilities will later be represented in senior leadership and management teams.


  • These skills should result in continuous improvement of the healthcare system, patient care, improve population health and value for money, and will develop future leaders.
  • Local organisations are tasked with reviewing their people development strategies, priorities and budgets so that these capabilities can be developed; primarily by: using their existing funding, developing training in-house and sharing knowledge and experience amongst themselves.
  • National oversight bodies see their role as providing to support, supporting structures and schemes, and guidance for the development of these skills.
  • The framework lays out a series of actions for the next 12 months and for 1 – 3 years’ time for national oversight bodies to provide this support, build networks and develop national leadership and management schemes. These actions are mainly for: NHS England, Health Education England, NHS Leadership Academy, NHS Equality and Diversity Council, NHS Improvement, Care Quality Commission, Department of Health and the National Improvement and Leadership Development Board.

Primary audience: Senior managers in NHS organisations and partners, and the organisations making up the National Leadership and Improvement Board.

Date last updated: February 2017

Due for review: February 2018

Group member responsible: FG

Meeting 8th February 2017


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Access code: 237 585 892

1.Meeting Notes 21st December 2016

2. Standing Item: Marketing Plan review MAP Toolkit marketing plan v2

3. Standing Item: Driver Allocation

4. Standing Item: Usage Statistics

5. Standing Item: Knowledge for Healthcare Update

6. AOB

-Evaluation, polling and surveys



-Health Information Study Day 10th July Leeds – Proposal: Using the MAP Toolkit as a structure for PPI –  40 minute workshop.

NHS Library and Knowledge Services in England

Health Education England (HEE) has published a new policy on NHS Library and Knowledge Services in England.

Impact on library policy/practice: The policy urges NHS organisations to capitalise on the specialist skills of librarians not only in education and research, but also as ‘knowledge brokers’, a role in which librarians share their expertise with teams in the workplace, enabling staff to find, evaluate and use evidence.  There are many examples from across the country where library and knowledge services are embedded in health care teams and enhancing service delivery, enabling transformation and driving innovation.

The policy also signals a move towards developing a “coherent national service”, highlighting a desire to work more collaboratively and across health care systems to reduce duplication and ensure that library and knowledge services are freely accessible to all NHS staff.

Library and knowledge service staff may wish to highlight this new policy to executive teams and senior managers in their organisations.

Source: Health Education England (HEE)

Link to main document 

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: January 2017

Summary of driver: Applying and embedding knowledge into action is the currency of successful organisations.  HEE recognises the value of NHS librarians to act as knowledge brokers, enabling staff to find, evaluate and use evidence.

Key features of driver:

·         The policy asserts the duty under Health and Social Care Act 2012 to ensure “the use in the health service of evidence obtained from research”. It acknowledges the role of NHS libraries in supplying the evidence base to enhance decision-making relating to treatment options, patient care and safety, commissioning and policy, as well as to support lifelong learning, undertake research and drive innovation.

·         The policy statement sets out key points to ensure the use in health care of evidence gained from research and HEE commitment to:

o   Enable all NHS staff to freely access library and knowledge services so that they can use the right knowledge and evidence to achieve excellent healthcare and health improvement;

o   Invest in NHS librarians and knowledge specialists to use their expertise to mobilise evidence obtained from research and organisational knowledge to underpin decision-making in the NHS in England;

o   Develop NHS library and knowledge services into a coherent national service that is proactive and focussed on the knowledge needs of the NHS and its workforce.

Primary audience: All NHS England organisations, particularly Executives and senior managers

Date last updated:  January 2017

Due for review: 11.1.18

Group member responsible: VT

New year, new MAP!

Map Annie Spratt.jpg

Source: Unsplash, Annie Spratt

As NHS library and knowledge staff, it’s crucial that we remain aware of the latest NHS policy and guidance, so we can exploit opportunities to enhance decision-making and service redesign.  MAP Toolkit helps us do this.

New NHS drivers are summarised specifically for NHS library staff, enabling you to not only save time in reading the entire document, but also to highlight implications for library and knowledge services.  Recently added drivers include Operational productivity and performance in English NHS Acute Hospitals (the Carter Review) and Delivering high quality, effective, compassionate care.

Throughout 2016 we have been facilitating workshops across the UK on ‘How to demonstrate impact in 5 easy steps’.  If you’d like us to work with you to deliver a workshop in your region please contact us.

For 2017 we have launched a new-look site and language for MAP Toolkit; our case studies are now called ‘MAP Stories’ and our project plan template has been re-branded as ‘Ideas Capture’.

MAP Tookit is a resource for you, so please let us know what drivers are currently impacting on your library and knowledge service.

You can follow our work and keep abreast of newly published drivers by following our Twitter account @map_community or signing up for email updates, or if you want to get closer to the action please join the discussion list MAP@jiscmail.com.

Further info available from MAP Toolkit Leads:
Tracey Pratchett, Tracey.Pratchett@lthtr.nhs.uk
Victoria Treadway, Victoria.treadway@nhs.net


Operational productivity and performance in English NHS Acute Hospitals: Unwarranted variations

Title of driver: Operational productivity and performance in English NHS Acute Hospitals: Unwarranted variations

Alternative Titles: Productivity in NHS hospitals Carter Review

Source: Lord Carter of Coles (Independent report commissioned by the Department of Health)

Link to main document https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/productivity-in-nhs-hospitals

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: February 2016

Summary of driver:

Report sets out the findings of Lord Carter’s review of how non-specialist acute hospital trusts can reduce unwarranted variation in productivity and efficiency to save the NHS £5 billion each year by 2020 to 2021.

15 recommendations are made to reduce this variation, including proposing a set of metrics be developed for a ‘model hospital’ for trusts to be benchmarked against.

Key features of driver:

Various sources of unwarranted variation in productivity, costs and efficiency in acute hospitals were identified.

The review looked at clinical staffing, pharmacy and medicines, diagnostics and imaging, procurement, back-office functions, estates and facilities; and at the quality and efficiency of clinical specialties.

The report makes recommendations in 15 areas to reduce this variation, improve quality and productivity, make cost savings, use resources in a cost effective manner and increase efficiency.

The report calls for action by NHS Improvement, NHS England, the Department of Health and hospital trusts with recommendations for the below areas:

  • Developing and implementing a national people strategy – simplifying system structures, raising people management capacity, building greater engagement and improving leadership capability.
  • Ensuring hospital pharmacies and pathology and imaging departments achieve their benchmarks – resulting in pharmacists spending more time on clinical activities, and a consistent approach to the quality and cost of diagnostic services
  • Procurement – trusts should report procurement information monthly to NHS Improvement; collaborate with other trusts and the NHS Supply Chain; and commit to the NHS Procurement Transformation Programme – resulting in increasing transparency and at least 10% reduction in non-pay costs across the NHS.
  • Estates and facilities management – trusts should meet or operate above NHS Improvement’s benchmarks. Including not exceeding a maximum of 35% of floor space for non-clinical functions and 2.5 % of space unoccupied/underused.
  • Trust corporate and administration functions – should be rationalised so that costs don’t exceed 7% of their income by April 2018 and 6% of income by 2020, or have plans for shared service consolidation or outsourcing to other providers.
  • NHS Improvement and NHS England should establish joint clinical governance to set standards of best practice for all specialties.
  • Key digital information systems – should be in place in all trusts.
  • The Department of Health, NHS England and NHS Improvement should work with local government to provide a strategy for trusts focusing patient care on recovery and how patients can leave acute hospital beds as their clinical needs allow.
  • Quality and efficiency opportunities for better collaboration and coordination of clinical services across local health economies – NHS England and NHS Improvement should work with trust boards to identify these.
  • NHS Improvement should develop the Model Hospital and underlying metrics so there is one source of data, benchmarks and practice.
  • Metrics and reporting – NHS Improvement should develop an integrated performance framework to ensure there is one set of metrics and approach to reporting; reducing the reporting burden for trusts.
  • Various deadlines are suggested- all trusts should work towards these and national bodies should develop timetables for efficiency and productivity improvements.

Primary audience: Department of Health, NHS Improvement, NHS England, Acute Trust Boards

Impact on library policy/practice:

Libraries are not specifically mentioned but:

  • The focus on efficiency, quality and benchmarking may lead to increased interest in resources for business decision making, and clinical/service auditing.
  • Consortia purchasing of library resources could contribute towards cost reduction.
  • Libraries can supply resources on leadership and people management to support the staffing changes proposed.
  • Library staff could partake in any leadership training and development made available by their trusts – for CPD and to improve the structure and leadership of the library service.
  • Library services can highlight that by having trust computers available in their setting – they are supporting staff to have access to the digital information systems the report calls for.
  • Working in collaboration with other libraries to deliver projects and services e.g. inter-library loans could support the initiative of collaboration and cost reduction.

However with the stipulation for the maximum percentage of hospital floor space for non-clinical functions – if trusts feel they need to reduce non-clinical floor space, libraries may be one of the areas that faces challenges to their use of space. Library managers will need to highlight the value of the library service to counter this pressure.

Date last updated: November 2016

Due for review: November 2017

Group member responsible: FG

Delivering high quality, effective, compassionate care

Title of driver: Delivering high quality, effective, compassionate care: Developing the right people with the right skills and the right values: A mandate from the Government to Health Education England: April 2016 to March 2017

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: October 2016

Summary of driver:

This is the Government’s mandate to Health Education England for the year 2016/17, and sets out the priorities for HEE to help deliver the NHS Five Year Forward View.

Pre-registration nursing and midwifery course will no longer be funded through NHS bursaries or HEE funded tuition from August 2017. The aim is to allow the creation of up to 10,000 new training places.

The NHS Apprenticeship scheme will be advanced.

A new nursing associate role will be introduced, bridging the gap between HCAs and nurses and allowing HCAs to progress to a nursing role.

Key features of driver:

As well as the changes to pre-registration nursing and midwifery training, and leadership education, other objectives include an increase in the primary care workforce (5,000 more GPs and 5,000 other community staff).

The new nursing associate role will provide care in primary, secondary and social care settings, and the role will be available to existing health care assistants as well as new staff. HEE will be working with higher education to provide training courses, and 1,000 new nursing associates will be in training by the end of 2016.

There are some changes to community pharmacy planned, to integrate community pharmacists into the NHS, and to introduce clinical pharmacist posts in general practice. There will also be an expansion in the psychologist workforce to support the ‘Improved Access to Psychological Therapies’ programme.

HEE will be working with key partners to support the development of an integrated workforce across the NHS and social care, as the Government is committed to integrating them by 2020. HEE will also work to reduce reliance on overseas staff.

Primary audience: NHS senior managers, including education and training directors, national bodies involved in education and quality (e.g. CQC, NICE etc.). HEE and LETBs, professional bodies.

Impact on library policy/practice:

The increase in the number of pre-registration nursing and midwifery students may have a bigger impact on joint HE/NHS library services, but all health libraries may see an increase in demand from students on clinical placements. Since these students will no longer receive bursaries, there could also be an increase in their expectations of what libraries should provide.

The new Nursing Associate role could see an increase in demand from staff that are not traditionally heavy users of the library. They may well require more support than other groups, and resources that reflect their training requirements.

One other potentially large impact on health libraries is the proposed integration of health and social care. NHS libraries have not traditionally served local authority social care staff, but this may become a need in the future, especially as staff work more flexibly across health and social care boundaries. At a national level, work may need to be done to ensure that the core collection reflects the needs of social care, and to integrate resources such as Social Care Online into existing platforms such as NICE Evidence or HDAS. It would be advantageous to have a national approach to funding health library services to support social care that doesn’t rely on each individual service having to negotiate with local authorities.

Finally, HEE will promote the adoption of digital technologies by healthcare professionals, both in and outside of work, and libraries could support this by providing training and guidance on the use of technologies that library users might use in their personal lives, and position ourselves as friendly technology experts.

Date last updated: November 2016

Due for review: November 2017

Group member responsible: JC

NHS Operational Planning and Contracting Guidance

Link to main document:

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication: 22/09/2016

Summary of driver: This document outlines how NHS operational planning and contractual processes will change to support Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) and the “financial reset”. STPs are a different way of working and are seen as the way forward with partnership behaviours and reducing silo working.

Key features of driver:

  • Streamlining of the annual round of NHS planning and contracting.
  • Move away from annual contracts towards two year contracts as default
  • Priorities and performance assessment – lists nine “must do” priorities, originally listed in 2016/17 and will remain in place for 2017/18 and 2018/19.  These must be delivered within the financial resources available each year
  • Developing operational plans and agreeing contracts for 2017-19
  • Finance and business rules – submission of local finance plans illustrating achievement  financial balance within available resources
  • Specialised services and other direct commissioning- new framework enabling STPs to contribute specialised care to population based health services and outcomes
  • Commissioning in the evolving system – continued evolvement of CCG ‘s role
  • System-wide set of changes in order to ensure NHS can deliver the right care in the right place with optimal value
  • Working with local government/patients/communities and creating wider partnerships with the third sector

List of annexes to support guidance.

  • Annex 1 – The Government’s Mandate to NHS England 2020 goals
  • Annex 2 – The CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework
  • Annex 3 – NHS Improvement Single Oversight Framework
  • Annex 4 – October Guidance on STPs
  • Annex 5 – NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to establishing shared financial control totals
  • Annex 6 – General Practice Forward View Planning requirements
  • Annex 7 – Cancer services transformation planning requirements
  • Annex 8 – Mental health transformation planning requirements

Primary audience: NHS/healthcare senior management, local government, third agency staff, public health staff, commissioners.

Impact on library policy/practice:

  • LKS already work collaboratively across boundaries- opportunities to expand and push to national as well as show in-house how collaborative and partnership working can benefit organisations. Initiative in working closer with LKS colleagues in relevant STP footprint
  • Opportunities to create and strengthen links with CCGs’ as their role evolves and increase
  • Support the Government’s Mandate to NHS England 2020 goals for the NHS to be the world’s largest learning organisation via the provision of resources to enable staff to deliver the required recommendations
  • Support/ provide evidence requests for information on service reconfiguration/collaboration, operational topics / efficiency savings

Date last updated: November 2016

Due for review:  November 2017

Group member responsible: LK