How to use MAP

How to demonstrate impact in 5 easy steps!

Step 1: Consider your aim

MAP has been designed to support a range of library activities.  What is your motivation for using MAP?  Are you embarking on a new project?  Is there a particular element of your service that you need to justify?  Do you need to demonstrate the impact of your service as a whole?  Do you want to propose a service development or new initiative?


Step 2: Identify the drivers for change

A driver is a factor that shapes the direction of your organisation.  MAP has identified what we perceive to be the key drivers that influence the work of NHS organisations.

Exploring MAP drivers will give you a broader understanding of the wider NHS context at a crucial time of change.  We have summarised drivers to enable to you easily digest the key messages and implications for NHS libraries.


Step 3: Capture your idea

Use the Ideas capture template to draft a project plan.  This tool encourages you to think about your project team, timeframe, resources required and how your project is aligned with the drivers you have explored.

You can use this tool to plan library activities which fall outside of your ‘core’ services, such as:

  • bespoke services that have been tailored for a specific client group, e.g. journal club;
  • one off library project, e.g. developing a fiction collection;
  • information consultant work, e.g. records management, web development provided to other departments.

You can also use the template to map out proposed new services or initiatives, then in presenting your idea to stakeholders within your organisation.

Step 4: Tell your story

Once your project is underway or completed, you can use the MAP Stories template to write it up as an informal case study.

Writing up your project allows you to:

  • Demonstrate the impact of the project;
  • Align your project’s successes with the wider objectives of the organisation;
  • Share good practice with colleagues;
  • Ensure your work is visible to stakeholders and senior managers;
  • Reflect on any lessons learned to inform future development.

You may find it useful to view the portfolio of MAP Stories that have already been written up by other health libraries.

Step 5: Shout about it!

Use the tools highlighted above to demonstrate the impact of your work within the wider context of your organisation.  You can do this in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Use the Ideas Capture Sheet to initiate discussions about a service development within your team;
  • Share your project with stakeholders within your organisation to demonstrate the impact of your work;
  • Publish your case study in your Trust’s newsletter to publicise the good work you are doing;
  • Use your Ideas Capture Sheet to inform a business case to propose to senior managers;
  • Publish your MAP Story to the MAP toolkit to share your good practice with the wider health library community.

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