Equipment on trial

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Matt Johnston a Knowledge Service Administrator from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust explains how visiting other teams and sharing objectives helps with improved referrals:

A therapy team who use the knowledge service to request articles and searches embarked on a project to trial some equipment. The team had limited experience of conducting equipment trials or how to evaluate in a structured way. In fact they were at a loss on how to begin the project. They contacted the Knowledge Service to see if they could provide any advice. I knew that the best team to speak to would be the Innovation & Research (I & R) Team. The Knowledge Service team had spent a day with the I & R team a few months ago to share our teams objectives, so I was confident that they could assist.

The Therapy Team Leader met with I & R; this resulted in the therapy team completing templates for their project and receiving advice about the methods they can use to evaluate and report results. The team are now embarking on a new project to reduce the incidence of repeat fallers and now know where to get the support they need.

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