DH & HEE Framework agreement

Title of driver:

DH & HEE Framework agreement


Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format:


Date of publication:

April 2014

Summary of driver:

The driver describes the relationship between the Department of Health (DOH) and Health Education England (HEE). HEE supports the education, development, and training of NHS and Public Health staff.

HEE is accountable for the education and training budget. Allocation for the budgets for education and training is distributed by the LETBs, following principles set out in “Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce – From Design to Delivery”.

Key features of driver:

Defines the relationship between DOH and HEE, containing information on:

  • Governance
  • Accountability
  • Partnership working
  • Transparency
  • Audit
  • Delegations and financial management
  • Relationships with the Departments other arm’s length bodies
  • The agreement will be reviewed every 3 years

Primary audience:

All NHS Trusts

Local Education Training Boards (LETBs)

Impact on library policy/practice:

Health Libraries support Health Education England by providing timely information resources available to all NHS and Public Health staff.

Libraries already support the education, development, and training of NHS and Public Health staff and students in various ways, such as:

Providing training on health resources (in groups and 1:1)

Providing resources for staff development, training, and education

Supporting patient care, through providing timely resources and evidence

 Date last updated: November 2014

Due for review: April 2015

Group member responsible: (LA)


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