A new settlement for health and social care: Final report

Source:  The King’s Fund

Link to main document:

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication: 04/09/2014

Summary of driver:

This is the final report from the Independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England. The report discusses the need for a simpler pathway for health and social care and proposes a new approach that redesigns care around individual needs regardless of diagnosis, with a graduated increase in support as needs rise, particularly towards the end of life. The commission has concluded that this vision for a health and care system fit for the 21st century is affordable and sustainable if a phased approach is taken and hard choices are taken about taxation.

Key features of driver:

  • Creation of a system of care that works better and more appropriately for individuals
  • Acknowledgment that additional funding (private or public) is required to maintain strong and continuing focus on NHS productivity. This includes proposed changes to National Insurance contributions and the commission favours public funding.
  • A more integrated service which is easier to navigate for all concerned.
  • Better integration of health and social care needs and more equal support for equal need (making much more social care free at the point of use)
  • Move towards a single ring-fenced budget with a single commissioner for local services

Primary audience: All those with an interest in healthcare (commissioners, providers, central and local Government)

Impact on library policy/practice: None as such but this report provides a useful overview to library staff about the wide ranging impact of the work involved in moving towards a new way of funding for health and social care.

Date last updated: September 2014

Due for review:  04/09/2015

Group member responsible: LK


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