Five Year Forward View

Source: NHS England

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF via webpage

Published: 23rd October 2014

Summary of driver: This document sets out options for closing a £30billion funding gap in the NHS, which is expected in 2021. It explains how the health service needs to change to meet future demand, the actions that are needed and the challenges the health community will face.

The options set out in this document will be for the next Parliament and government to make decisions on but are regarded as a consensus between patient groups, clinicians, local communities and frontline NHS leaders and the shared view of national NHS leadership.

Key features of driver: The document describes options for the future of the NHS, including:

  • A radical upgrade in prevention and public health is needed to save money and help bridge the looming funding gap. This would include a focus on obesity, smoking, alcohol and other major health risks and workplace incentives for employee health
  • Patients would have more control over their care including the establishment of shared budgets combining health and social care and increased support for carers
  • Several new care models are proposed, including Multispecialty Community Providers, Primary and Acute Care Systems of hospitals and GPs combined, Urgent and Emergency Care Services of combined OOH, A&E departments, urgent care, NHS 111 and ambulance services, and more control over midwifery services given to midwives
  • CCGs would have control over more of the NHS budget
  • Increase the number of GPs in training as soon as possible and set out a New Deal to reduce the pressures on GPs
  • Investment in new technologies in health and improve the patient experience of interacting with the NHS
  • Backing diverse solutions to the challenges ahead rather than focusing on national structural reorganisation
  • Improve the ability of the NHS to undertake research and apply innovation and to learn faster from examples of best practice within the UK and internationally
  • A push towards the use of new technologies and becoming paperless, such as NHS accredited health apps, new partnerships with the voluntary sector and industry to support digital inclusion, proposals for electronic prescriptions and train staff to help those unable or unwilling to use new technologies
  • Support to retain and develop existing staff with help from Health Education England, who will assist NHS employers to ensure they have sufficient staff with the right skills for patient care, and identify education and training needs of the existing workforce

Primary audience: All NHS Trusts, local authorities, commissioners and other stakeholders

Impact on library policy/practice: Libraries are in a good position to aid the training and development of potential, new and existing NHS staff to meet the requirements set out in this document. Library staff work with Health Education England already and are familiar with new technologies so would be useful assets to support and contribute to the development of the NHS workforce and implementation of new technologies in health. Libraries also have the skills to support research and innovation in the NHS and have experience in doing so.

Case studies/local service profile examples mapping to this driver: None as of 5th December 2014

Date last updated: 5th December 2014

Due for review: December 2015

Group member responsible: HS

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