Framework 15: Health Education England Strategic Framework 2014 – 2029

Title of driver: Framework 15: Health Education England Strategic Framework 2014 – 2029

Source: Health Education England

Link to main document 

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: June 2014

Summary of driver: 

Framework 15 is Health Education England’s (HEE) strategy for the healthcare workforce over the next 15 years, and the first part of the Framework sets the scene for the next 15 years, focusing on:

  • Global drivers of change (demographic, technology and innovation, current and future service models, expections (of patients and staff), social, political, economic and environmental)
  • People and patients of the future (individuals at different starting points, multiple and complex conditions, informed, engaged and active, members of communities of health)
  • Future workforce (informal and formal care, co-production and traditional care, whole person care, care wherever and whenever, knowledge, skill and compassion)

Each year, HEE invests around £5 billion in education and training, and the Framework looks at the future needs for trained healthcare staff to inform investment decisions now.

Section 4 of the Framework is HEE’s strategic framework for the next 15 years, and gives five characteristics of the future workforce:

  • The ‘workforce’ will include the informal support that helps people prevent ill health and manage their own care when appropriate.
  • Will have the skills, values and behaviours required to provide co-productive and traditional models of care as appropriate.
  • Will have adaptable skills responsive to evidence and innovation to enable ‘whole person’ care, with specialisation driven by patient rather than professional needs.
  • Will have the skills, values, behaviours and support to provide safe, high-quality care wherever and whenever the patient is, at all times and in all settings.
  • Delivering the NHS Constitution: ‘Will be able to bring the highest levels of knowledge and skill at times of basic human need when care and compassion are what matters most.’

Key features of driver: 

The Framework has a number of Interesting examples of how technology could drive healthcare e.g. smartphone apps.

The Framework has a number of ‘pen portraits’ of health consumers and staff, looking at how changes to technology and the workforce could impact on them.

According to the Framework, HEE includes in the term ‘workforce’ the informal care that prevents ill health and helps people manage their own care.

HEE hopes to move from simply commissioning the future workforce, to developing the existing workforce and improving retention of training staff. However, it will also be looking at new roles to support future health needs.

Primary audience: Workforce directors of healthcare organisations, higher education, LETCs and LETBs.

Impact on library policy/practice: 

Is there a role for health libraries, in conjunction with public libraries, to support self-care and the ‘informal’ workforce (considered by HEE to be part of the healthcare workforce in the Framework)? We may be expected in future to support the use of technology such as smartphone apps for self-monitoring of health, as well as provide healthcare information suitable for non-professionals.

Changes to educational programmes, and the introduction of new roles or ways of working, could have potentially negative effects on funding of health libraries, if for example funding moves from undergraduate courses to ongoing training and development of the existing workforce.

The Framework indicates that technology will play an increasing role in the work of healthcare staff (for example, telemedicine), and in their education and training (for example, e-learning, apps and simulators). Libraries could be in a good position to support some of these developments.

Date last updated: August 2014

Due for review: August 2015

Group member responsible: JC

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