MAP Stories from others

MAP stories template

Dismantling the silos – Poster Exhibition to share and celebrate good practice (RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital NHS FT). The library service facilitated a poster exhibition event to celebrate and share good practice to support a culture of innovation.  The event was an overwehelming success with over 100 posters on display.

Using Clinical Librarians to support evidence-based, cost effective purchasing decisions (Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust) This case study outlines the Clinical Librarian role in contributing to teh Wound Care Formulary by attending meetings with an ipad and providing quick access to the evidence. A total of 54 searches were carried out to deliver the evidence.

Working with Public Health and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) (Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WHHFT))
Case study about a bespoke role, Public Health & Commissioning Librarian, to provide knowledge and library services to Warrington Public Health and Warrington CCG when and where they are needed, working as an embedded member of the Warrington Public Health and Warrington CCG teams.

Nursing Supplies Group (University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust)
Delivery of evidence summaries to support procurement decisions. The Clinical Librarian is a member of the group and embedded within the process. Winner Sally Hernando 2012

Knowledge @lerts for NHS Central Lancashire (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
A series of highly specific knowledge @lerts were developed and targeted various groups within NHS Central Lancashire e.g. School nurses, podiatrists, dentists. The service was developed in response to an information needs survey. Please follow this link to view an example bulletin.

Develop and populate a library wiki (NHS Oldham)
9 NHS library services from the NW won a bid from HCLU to commission support from Christie’s as part of PEAR (Project for electronic awareness and resources) to assist with the development of a library wiki in the absence of a dedicated E-Resources librarian.

Statistics Mentoring Clinics pilot (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
A series of Statistics Mentoring Clinics were arranged as part of a community engagement agreement with the local high school, for NHS staff who would benefit from extra support when faced with using statistics in practice.

Drugs: The Evidence (Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)
Library staff ‘infiltrated’ Trust medical meetings and seize examples of the publicity materials produced by pharmaceutical representatives. The advertised products are then subjected to a literature search, with a concentration on high-quality, up-to-date evidence. This results in a short summary of the findings which is posted on the Intranet. Selections of these summaries are emailed out to Trust physicians and local GP’s at regular intervals inviting feedback. Winner Sally Hernando 2011

Journal Streamlining (Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
The library works with the Supplies Department to transfer the management of the journals across to the library, to ensure proper access, de-duplication, alignment with national procurement and provision of a journal receipt service.

Orthopaedic Assessment and Treatment Centre (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
The library service was involved in providing information via literature searches to support the business case for an assessment and treatment centre for orthopaedic patients on the Chorley Hospital site.

Systematic Review (University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust for the regional group)
A systematic review into Clinical Librarianship was published in HILJ Mar 2011. This is a collaborative project involving 8 Librarians from the North West. The project contributed to the professional body of work relating to Clinical Librarianship by delivering a Systematic review. In addition, the contributors also developed their own skills base and understanding of the processes involved; this learning will be shared through a reflective process model.

Supporting a Practice Development Unit (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
The Clinical Librarian supported the renal dialysis team in achieving Level 2 Practice Development Unit (PDU) status.  The assessment required the renal team to demonstrate engagement with evidence based practice and commitment to staff development.  The Clinical Librarian became a member of the PDU Steering Group, helped the team to establish a Journal Club, implemented a ‘Kidney Diseases’ evidence bulletin and provided a number of literature searches to support the process.

Evaluating the Literature Searching Service (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
The library service piloted then implemented an evaluation questionniare for recipients of Literature Search results.  The evaluation data that was gathered allowed the service to demonstrate it’s alignment and impact on many areas of decision-making within the organisation.

Referrals Project (University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust & North Cumbria Acute University Hospitals NHS Trust)
This collaborative project involved Librarians from the 2 Acute Trusts supporting the Project Implementation Manager (Cumbria PCT) in updating the Evidence Based Referrals Guidelines. The Librarians developed a search protocol which was agreed by the implementation manager and carried out a number of literature searches.

Leadership Zone (Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust)
The creation of dedicated physical space and a website to support leadership education within the local NHS.

The LondonLinks Alignment Project has developed a series of case studies which demonstrate how London’s health library services have contributed to the regional health priorities outlined in the Darzi London Review (2006). You can access these from the links listed below:

1. Reductions in Health inequalities
2. Addressing drivers for improvement
3. Priority areas

Sally Hernando Awards

On this website you will find links to the winners of the library innovations awards from 2010 onwards.

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