Cavendish Review

Title of driver: The Cavendish review: an independent review into healthcare assistants and support workers in the NHS and social care settings

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: July 2013

Summary of driver:

This independent review makes a number of recommendations on how the training and support of both healthcare assistants who work in hospitals, and social care support workers who are employed in care homes and people’s own homes, can be improved to ensure they provide care to the highest standard.

The review proposes that all healthcare assistants and social care support workers should undergo the same basic training, and get a ‘certificate of fundamental care’ before they can care for people unsupervised.

The review was carried out in the wake of the Francis Inquiry into Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust.

Key features of driver: 

The review makes 18 recommendations for under the headings ‘Recruitment, Training and Education’, ‘Making Caring a Career’, ‘Leadership, Supervision and Support’ and ‘Time To Care’

Primary audience: NHS Trusts and Social Care employers, Health Education England

Impact on library policy/practice:

Libraries may need to look at providing more resources to support HCAs undertaking the proposed certificate of fundamental care. There may also be an increased use of e-learning and libraries may need to look at e-learning facilities, and how learners are supported.

Libraries could provide information skills training aimed specifically at HCAs, such as is being done at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust with a good takeup.

Libraries may be involved in induction processes, recruitment fairs and the like.

Date last updated: March 2014

Due for review: March 2015

Group member responsible: JC

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