The King’s Fund Map to the NHS

An Alternative Guide to the New NHS in England

Source: The King’s Fund

Link to main document

Publication format: Animation video.

Date of publication: April 2013

Summary of driver: Overview of the new structure of the NHS – how the new organisations work and fit together.

Key features of driver:

  • The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has resulted in the reorganisation of the NHS and creation of new NHS organisations and authorities.
  • Identifies the new national organisations and regional bodies that exist.
  • Shows the hierarchical relationships between these organisations.
  • Explains the initial ideas behind the reorganisation of the NHS and what these have actually resulted in.

Complimentary document:

NHS England have also released a guide to the new NHS structure explaining the aims of the changes made to the NHS, and what the responsibilities of the various new organisations are Understanding the new NHS – A guide for everyone working and training within the NHS

Primary audience: All NHS Trusts and staff, organisations working with the NHS and the public.

Impact on library policy/practice:

Library services need to understand how the new NHS structure works so:

  • so they know which organisations may fall within their customer base/ could be potential new customers.
  • they can develop service level agreements with the new organisations.
  • they can tailor their service offering towards their potential users’ specific roles and remits.

Libraries may:

  • need to re-procure resources or obtain new licences to accommodate their changing customer base.
  • re-write policies, plans or strategies to align to the objectives and priorities of these organisations.
  • identify gaps in their service provision and build up new services and resources to address them.

Date last updated:  August 2019

Due for review: July 2020

Group member responsible: FG


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