HEE Quality Framework 2019-20

Impact on library policy/practice

The HEE Quality Framework 2019-20 specifically mentions LKS in Quality Domain 1- Learning Environment and Culture.

  • 1.5 The learning environment provides suitable educational facilities for both learners and educators, including space, IT facilities and access to quality assured library and knowledge services
  • 1.3 Opportunities for learners to be involved in activities that facilitate quality improvement/ improving evidence based practice and research and innovation
  • Learners and educators must have access to quality assured Library and Knowledge Services including provision of resource and information handling skills to support evidence based practice
  • Placement providers are required to provide high quality education learning environments for all users – including continuous improvement of the placement learning environment and educational provision
  • Health Education England are required to benchmark outcomes across regions- and providers are required to demonstrate the capacity/resources/facilities to deliver safe and relevant learning opportunities could lead to more equitable resources for LKS nationally

Source:  NHS Health Education England

Publication format:  PDF

Date of publication: June 2019

Link to main document

Summary of driver:

Health Education England (HEE) is responsible for ensuring that there are high quality learning environments for all healthcare learners in England. The original multi-professional framework was tested across England 2016-17 and has been refreshed for 2019-20. MAP has already looked at the implications of the HEE Quality Strategy 2016-2020 on LKS.

Together with other HEE quality documentation this Quality Framework enables HEE to drive sustainable quality improvement across all learning environments. This will lead to improvements in patient care via high quality education and training which in turn delivers the multi-skilled and sustainable workforce required.

Priorities for 2019/20 include applying this Quality Framework to undergraduate medical training.

The Quality Framework is based on six domains and each of those domains is supported by a set of evidence-based Quality Standards:

  • Learning Environment and Culture
  • Educational Governance and Leadership
  • Supporting and Empowering Learners
  • Supporting and Empowering Educators
  • Delivering Curricula and Assessments
  • Developing a Sustainable Workforce

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