Public Health White Paper

Title of driver: Healthy lives, healthy people: our strategy for public health in England

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: Pdf 

Date of publication: 30th Nov 2010

Summary of driver: This White Paper sets out the Government’s long-term vision for the future of public health in England. The aim is to create a ‘wellness’ service (Public Health England) and to strengthen both national and local leadership. Consultation closed on 27th July 2011.

Key features of driver: The following proposals are the key headings of this public health strategy:

  • Seizing opportunities for better health
  • A radical new approach
  • Health & well-being through life
  • A new public helath system with strong local and national leadership

The Strategy also outlines how they will make this happen.

Primary audience: Public Health Staff, key players in other partner department and organisations i.e. Local Authority.

Impact on library policy/practice: Some libraries are embedded within Public Health, a good example is Bolton Health Matters Informationist. There is no direct mention of library and information services in the white paper. ‘Knowledge’ and ‘evidence’ are referred to on the following pages:


p 6, para 9, 10
p 8 12f
p23 – summary, 1st para
p 27 2.15 and 2.16
p 28 2.23 and 2.24
p32 3.6
p35 3.21
p49 3.65
p 51 – summary, last para
p 52 4.3
p 53 4.5
p 56 4.20
p 65 4.64
p67 4.76
p68-69 4.78 – 4.83 whole section
p 69 4.85
p 70-71 4.88
p 71 4.89
p 83 para 4

Case studies / Local service profile examples mapping to this driver: None as of 4/10/2013

Date last updated: 4/10/2013

Due for review: April 2014

Group member responsible: Not allocated (content added by Michael Cook)

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