National survey of local innovation and research needs of the NHS

What does this mean for libraries?

  • Libraries can actively look to disseminate information about national or local research and innovation projects to their users / organisation through current awareness services, literature searches or in specific focused events or activities to raise awareness.
  • This could be an opportunity to establish links with local research & development departments to establish which subject areas are of interest so current awareness services or bulletins addressing those topics can be provided; and raise awareness within the research and development team of the library’s ability to assist with literature searches, access to information databases, and searches for grey literature.
  • Libraries could host research coffee mornings or similar as meeting opportunities for researchers and those interested in innovation in their organisation to meet up and discuss potential projects, and lessons learned from failed projects.
  • Libraries could find out about their local regional Academic Health Science Network and disseminate to their organisation / service users information about what projects the research network is currently running.

Source: AHSN (Academic Health Science Network)

Link to main document

Date of publication: April 2019

Summary of driver:

This report summarises the national findings from a survey to identify local NHS innovation and research needs in England.

The views of local health stakeholders, including clinical leaders, managers and directors, within each AHSN (Academic Health Science Network) were sought.

There were some differences in regional priorities, but common themes emerged that reflected wider challenges facing the NHS and align with the NHS Long Term Plan.

These include a need for innovation and research addressing:

  • workforce challenges
  • delivering mental health services and providing care for patients with mental health needs
  • integrating services to provide effective care for patients with complex needs – including multi-morbidity and frailty.
  • research into the needs for specific patient groups – people with mental health conditions, older people and socially-isolated people.
  • using digital and artificial intelligence technology.

The survey also asked about respondents’ ability to access innovation and research in their region and confidence in implementing it.

The survey identified where research existed in the respondents’ priority areas, using it and implementing the research were identified as potential problems.

Improvements in communication and dissemination of information were identified as improvements needed to raise awareness of research and innovation; whilst sharing knowledge was identified as important for improving the application of innovation and research.

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