GP Partnership Review: Final Report

Optional wording for policy briefings ONLY: A policy briefing is available for LKS staff to share in their organisations.  Produced by the JET Library at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Feel free to reproduce it (with acknowledgement).

What does this mean for libraries? This report outlines the challenges that GPs are facing with increasing workloads and the rising complexity of patients resulting in clinical risk challenges.

  • LKS could support GP partnerships with the evidence base and current awareness services to support complex care.
  • LKS could approach local CCGs / GPs to make them aware of the services available or see if they wish to take up the offer where provision doesn’t exist.
  • Libraries serving GPs or organisations in partnership with GPs may wish to review resources and collections to offer leadership resources for staff looking to develop leadership skills.

Source: Department of Health and Social Care

Link to main document

Date of publication: January 2019

Summary of driver: This review considers the challenges that currently face GP partnerships and makes the following recommendations to revitalise and transform the partnership model:

  • There are significant opportunities that should be taken forward to reduce the personal risk and unlimited liability currently associated with GP partnerships.
  • The number of General Practitioners who work in practices, and in roles that support the delivery of direct patient care, should be increased and funded.
  • The capacity and range of healthcare professionals available to support patients in the community should be increased, through services embedded in partnership with general practice.
  • Medical training should be refocused to increase the time spent in general practice, to develop a better understanding of the strengths and opportunities of primary care partnerships and how they fit into the wider health system.
  • Primary Care Networks should be established and operate in a way that makes constituent practices more sustainable and enables partners to address workload and safe working capacity, while continuing to support continuity of high quality, personalised, holistic care.
  • General practice must have a strong, consistent and fully representative voice at system level.
  • There are opportunities that should be taken to enable practices to use resources more efficiently by ensuring access to both essential IT equipment and innovative digital services.

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