Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce from design to delivery

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF via webpage

Policy published: 10th January 2012
Date of original publication: 20th December 2010

Summary of driver: This document builds on the government’s consultation on proposals to establish a new framework for developing the healthcare workforce in December 2010. The policy framework sets out a new approach to workforce planning and the education and training of the health and public health workforce. It builds on the responses to earlier public consultation and the advice of the NHS Future Forum. .The outcome of these changes will be a better education, training and workforce planning system for health and public health, one that is clearly focused on continually improving the health of the public and services for patients.

Key features of driver:

  • The framework will enable the future health and public health workforce to develop and evolve
  • The system puts employers and professionals in the driving seat enabling them to identify and anticipate future workforce challenges
  • Health Education England (HEE) will provide national leadership and oversight on strategic planning and development of the health and public health workforce, and allocate education and training resources.
  • Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) will be the vehicle for providers and professionals to work with HEE to improve the quality of education and training outcomes so that they meet the needs of service providers, patients and the public.
  • The Department of Health will set the the education and training outcomes for the system as a whole, and will hold the HEE to account.
  • The funding flows are discussed on page 40 onward; outlining the scope of the budget; distribution of education and training funding; moving to a tariff based system; raising the budget through a levy on providers.

Primary audience: All NHS Trusts.

Impact on library policy/practice: Libraries a often closely embedded/aligned to training within NHS organisations. This policy links to development of new training programmes and funding of services.

Case studies / Local service profile examples mapping to this driver: None as of 4.10.2013

Date last updated: 4.10.2013 (Policy replaced consultation)

Due for review: 4.04.2014

Group member responsible: TP updated

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