Making the most of the money: efficiency and the long-term plan.

What does this mean for libraries? 

This piece of research is intended to feed into the NHS long-term plan, and was an opportunity for local NHS leaders to say where they think efficiency savings can be made in practice.

As such, it reflects some of the initiatives already happening and some possible future ones, but it is not policy as yet and we will need to see which of these ideas makes it into any future NHS plans.

Source: NHS Providers

Link to main document

Date of publication: October 2018

Summary of driver:

Using feedback from Trust leaders, this reports looks at areas where efficiency savings could be made, to contribute to long-term planning for the NHS.

The three main areas looked at are cost reductions, productivity improvements, and system efficiencies.

Areas of possible cost reductions identified included reducing transactional costs, agency spends, procurement, and collaborative IT purchasing. Rising staff costs due to pay awards was identified as a cost pressure.

Productivity improvements included the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme and use of lean methodologies.

System efficiencies were seen as a potentially big contributor to savings, and this might include collaborative or integrated working, admissions reduction, use of technology to redesign pathways, Trust mergers, and new workforce roles.


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