A vision for population health: Towards a healthier future

A policy briefing is available for LKS staff to share in their organisations.  Produced by the JET Library at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Feel free to reproduce it (with acknowledgement).

What does this mean for libraries? 

  • Monitor where accountability lies and new roles in managing population health so that library services can be directed appropriately.
  • Library staff may need to work with various health and care services to provide evidence.
  • Capture and share information from other countries e.g. Scotland and Wales who have successfully tackled health inequalities.

Source: The King’s Fund

Link to main document

Date of publication: November 2018

Summary of driver: England lags behind many other countries on key health outcomes, life expectancy improvements have stalled and health inequalities widen. Population health aims to improve physical and mental health outcomes, promote wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across an entire population. This report outlines The King’s Fund’s vision for population health, their reasoning and the steps to achieve it.

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