A Fork in the Road: next steps for social-care funding reform

Optional wording for policy briefings ONLY: A policy briefing is available for LKS staff to share in their organisations.  Produced by the JET Library at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Feel free to reproduce it (with acknowledgement).

What does this mean for libraries? 

This report would be of interest to library staff supporting social care organisations. It discusses a range of approaches to reforming funding for social care. Library staff who are providing services for social care providers should share this resource.

Source: King’s Fund

Link to main document 

Date of publication: May 2018

Summary of driver:

This paper outlines a number of options for the potential reform of funding for social care. It does not make recommendations, but considers each option provided, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each and comparing them to each other. The models considered are:

  • Maintaining the current system (at 2015/16 levels) and keeping pace with projected demand pressures until 2030/31;
  • Restoring the quality and access that existed in 2009/10;
  • A ‘cap and floor’ model, similar to the Conservative Party proposals at the 2017 general election;
  • Free personal care (FPC), similar to the model in Scotland.


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