No health without mental health

Title of driver: No health without mental health: a cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: PDF

Date of publication: February 2011

Summary of driver: This strategy sets out six shared objectives to improve the mental health and well-being of the nation, and to improve outcomes for people with mental health problems through high quality services. It supports the Government’s aim of achieving parity of esteem between physical and mental health. The interconnections between mental health, housing, employment and the criminal justice system are stressed.

Key features of driver taken from the executive summary:

The shared objectives of all the partners who worked with the Department of Health to improve mental health outcomes are:

•More people will have good mental health
•More people with mental health problems will recover
•More people with mental health problems will have good physical health
•More people will have a positive experience of care and support
•Fewer people will suffer avoidable harm
•Fewer people will experience stigma and discrimination

Primary audience: All those working with mental health – in the NHS as well as public, private and voluntary and community sector agencies.

Impact on library policy/practice: One of the future strands in the provision of mental health services is to encourage local organisations and practitioners to have the freedom to innovate and to drive improvements in services. There is an opportunity for library services to support practitioners to:

•consider what works best
•examine the evidence base when considering any changes to the way they practice
•promote the evidence base when considering cost improvement savings
The document mentions ‘evidence’ on 47 occasions.

Case studies / Local service profile examples mapping to this driver: None currently

Date last updated: May 2011

Due for review: May 2012

Group member responsible: Cath McCafferty


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