MAP update!

Visit the toolkit today and discover a wealth of resources to help you demonstrate the value and impact of your service to the wider organisation (altogether now LQAF 1.3c).

HOT OFF THE PRESS ! We had a MAP meeting in November and rebranded ourselves from “toolkit” to “community”.  The book “Strategic collaborations in health sciences libraries” is published later this year and Chief MAPpers Tracey and Victoria are the authors of Chapter 5 “Finding the Way Without a Road MAP: Cultivating a UK-wide Community of Practice”.

The JET Library have been keeping us super busy with the policy briefings. New content includes Quality improvement in mental health and Community Hospitals and Their Services in the NHS and Accountable Care Organisations .Feel free to reproduce any of the policy briefings (with acknowledgement to JET Library) for your own purposes. Thank you JET Library, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Under Ideas Capture you will find templates to help you put together project plans and case studies. Click on the MAP stories link and share how your service is making a positive impact on your organisation .

Recently added content to the toolkit includes:


If you have any questions about the toolkit or how you can get involved in the project please contact Tracey Pratchett ( You can also follow us on Twitter (@Map_community).

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