Stepping forward to 2020/21: The mental health workforce plan for England

Many thanks to Dan Livesey for providing a detailed summary of this driver which can be viewed in full here.

What does this mean for libraries? 

  • Develop services to support both an international mental health workforce and a diversified workforce.
  • Searching and appraisal services can support the development and redesign of new mental health care models.
  • A larger workforce and roles in the community will place greater demand on library and knowledge services.
  • Opportunities to work collaboratively with increasingly multidisciplinary and cross-organisational teams.
  • Increasing the dissemination of research findings to relevant groups.
  • Ensure that Acute partners have resources to enhance the ‘taster’ 2-week attachment in Psychiatry.
  • Support staff who are retraining or enhancing their qualifications and those returning to practice.
  • Signpost physical health resources to staff to support the physical health in mental health priority.

Source: Health Education England

Link to main document

Date of publication: July 2017

Summary of driver:  This document outlines the additional staff needed to deliver the transformation set out in the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health. Current trials are taking place to identify the best skill mix to deliver evidence-based care. The plan will require providers, commissioners, Arms Length Bodies, local authorities and the third sector to work together. This document considers the existing workforce and indicates that by 2021, 11,000 more qualified staff will be needed. It concludes by outlining key actions required to achieve this with a view to providing a framework and workforce model that enables STPs to develop local plans and actions.

The following two summaries were written by Katie Nicholas from the Knowledge Management team at HEE

Stepping Forward Mental Health Workforce Plan – Summary

Future of the Mental Health Workforce – Summary

Date last updated: 27th December 2017


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