Advancing Quality

Source: NHS Northwest (SHA)

Link to main document

Publication format: Website

Date of publication: 2008

Summary of driver: In conjunction with Premier Inc. this programme aims to improve patient care and patient experience in NHS hospitals across the North West by measuring clinical outcomes, Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and patient experience. Advancing Quality is funded by all the Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in the North West. PCTs are NHS organisations which commission services from their local hospitals. Each North West PCT gave 0.1 percent of its budget to develop AQ.

Key features of driver:

October 2008 – start of the 3 year healthcare improvement programme
Aims to improve care and save costs
Currently focussing on 5 key areas relevant to NW:
heart attacks
heart failure
hip and knee replacements
heart by-pass operations
New treatment areas, including mental health, stroke and primary and community services, will be introduced in the next year (2009-2010)
The project will be evaluated by Manchester Business School over a five year period to assess impact on financial savings, lives saved, reduced length of stay, reduced admissions and reduced complications.

Link here for first set of results published 18th June 2010

Link here for second set of results published 2011

Primary audience: The Advancing Quality agenda relates to NW acute trusts with minimal impact on primary care, although future roll out possible. Meeting quality indicators will translate to financial incentives for successful Trusts.

Impact on library policy/practice: Libraries may be asked to provide evidence to support the implementation of new outcome measures in the 5 key areas or identify best practice and performance in other NW Trusts. You could be asked to find out how PROMs are collected and who they are being submitted to.

Keywords: Acute; Hospitals; Quality metrics

Case studies/Project plan examples mapping to this driver are: None

Date last updated: October 2012

Due for review: November 2013

Group member responsible: TP

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