Darzi Framework

Title of driver: High quality care for all: NHS Next Stage Review final report (Darzi Framework)

Source: Department of Health

Link to main document

Publication format: pdf

Date of publication: 30 June 2008

Review date: None specified

Summary of driver: The Review sets out the government’s plans for NHS reform in England over the next 10 years. Its principal focus is on driving up the standards of quality in health care and putting clinicians at the heart of change. It is also intended to be locally driven. The review is based on the reports from strategic health authorities and clinical pathway working groups that presented a vision for change in their particular localities. It is not a ‘national blueprint’ but a means of enabling these local visions to become a reality (excerpt from summary on King’s Fund website April 2010)

The Operating Framework: for the NHS in England 2010/11 (Dec 2009) sets out the enabling system that will deliver the Review

Key features of driver: Introduces a range of local quality indicators – measuring mortality, complication and survival rates as well as patient perceptions – that will enable clinicians to benchmark and improve their performance. A small proportion of trusts’ income will also become conditional on quality indicators. Trusts will be obliged to produce annual ‘quality accounts’ similar to their financial accounts.

The NHS will have a formal constitution, spelling out its underlying principles and values as well as the rights and responsibilities of patients, the public and staff. * Darzi identified a range of hospital services that could be delivered closer to the patient’s home, including minor surgery and many outpatient consultations, although some services such as stroke and heart disease should be more specialist and centralised.

PCTs together with local authorities will now be responsible for commissioning comprehensive well-being and prevention services. They will target six key goals: tackling obesity, reducing alcohol harm, treating drug addiction, reducing smoking rates, improving sexual health and improving mental health
Patients with complex long-term conditions will be entitled to a named care co-ordinator, such as a community matron, to help them access the services in their personal care plans.
(From www.kingsfund.org.uk 14/4/10)

Primary audience: Health and Social Care Professionals (DH website)

Impact on library policy/practice:

Key headings / sections from the Review summary: Easy access for NHS staff to information about high quality care. All NHS staff will have access to a new NHS Evidence service where they will be able to get, through a single web-based portal, authoritative clinical and non-clinical evidence and best practice.

A clear focus on improving the quality of NHS education and training. The system will be reformed in partnership with the professions.


Chapter 6: High Quality Work in the NHS, particularly the section ‘High Quality Education and Training’ (11-29)* Many aspects of the review focus on quality improvement; library services can support their organisations to implement changes based on the best evidence

Keywords: darzi, reform, vision, quality, quality accounts, NHS constitution, obesity, alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, sexual health, mental health, long term conditions, NHS evidence

Information reviewed and updated: 14/4/10 (v1)

Due for review: March 2010

Group member responsible: HG

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