MAP on tour: Supporting NHS South librarians to demonstrate impact

Last week MAP Toolkit (Tracey and Victoria) went on tour in the NHS South region, hosting workshops in Taunton and Winchester.  Participants explored ‘How to demonstrate impact in 5 easy steps’ and enjoyed an animated discussion on the ways that LKS in the health sector can demonstrate value to stakeholders.  We loved it!  Meeting other LKS professionals to share ideas and learning is always a fascinating opportunity for us; thank you everyone who joined us.  We thought it would be useful to share some of the actions that our workshop participants identified for their return to the workplace – see below.  And if you’d like us to deliver this workshop at your regional meeting, please get in touch 🙂

“When I get back to work, I’m going to…”

  • “Look at ways to “shout about it” within the Trust”
  • “Write up a detailed SMART impact plan”
  • “Increase use of Twitter /Facebook / Instagram accounts for impact of service”
  • “Arrange to meet the Health & Wellbeing committee to discuss a health and wellbeing fair / information event”
  • “Follow more people on Twitter so that we know what’s going on, look at creating some social media cards, and explore using Twitter polls to demonstrate impact on Trust values”
  • “Try to find a customer who is willing to contribute to a case study – I like the idea of sharing these on social media or corporate blog”
  • “I am going to think about my project (replacing print journal archives with electronic) in terms of impact on stakeholders (who are the stakeholders and how to measure impact)”
  • “Consider ways in which we can use the feedback we already receive to shout about it!”
  • “Choose a project to use the five steps with”
  • “Activate a Twitter account. Love the ideas!”
  • “Re-jig my next presentation to include impact”
  • “Take a long hard look at what I can reasonably expect from survey i.e. focus on individual groups rather than organisations”
  • “Encourage my team to collect feedback which highlights the difference and/or change LKS has made”
  • “Create a post-it literature search feedback board”
  • “Talk to head of transformation re: impact of LKS support”
  • “Launch a library competition: tell us your library story”
  • “Work out what ‘shout about it’ ideas are feasible”

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