Drivers for Change

What is a driver?

For the purpose of the toolkit a driver is a factor or factors that shapes the direction of your organisation.  We have summarised a selection of the key drivers currently impacting upon NHS organisations (and therefore libraries) with a national, regional or local slant.

These are not intended to be exhaustive lists but offer guidance:

Local Drivers
National Drivers
Archived Drivers

Reviewing Driver Content

All drivers are added to the MAP toolkit by allocated Steering Group Members or Content Editors using a standard format, link here to view the Drivers template.  Every attempt is made to ensure that all driver summaries are up-to-date and relevant to your needs, and they are regularly monitored by appointed team members.

However, if you notice any errors, would like to recommend a new driver to be added to this wiki, or feel that one of the drivers listed is now obsolete and should be removed or replaced please email Tracey Pratchett at and your comments will be reviewed by the Steering Group.

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