44 Regional Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)

Impact on library policy/practice: 

  • The opportunity to link with senior management and find out what information they need to progress their STP.
  • Ideal opportunity to promote time saving services such as current awareness and LKS evidence searches.
  • Possibility of collaborative purchasing opportunities with other LKS both within and outside relevant STP footprint for resources purchasing to deliver financial savings and fitting in with Knowledge for Healthcare.
  • Opportunities to showcase how LKS can support  innovation and change, such as knowledge management skills and running simple KM events to encourage knowledge sharing, e.g randomised coffee trials and knowledge cafes
  • LKS can be an information hub on STPs for patients/carers on site, as well as connecting with public library colleagues.
  • Possible provision of LKS for the Local Workforce Action Boards.

Source: NHS England

Link to main document 

Publication format: Website, 44 STPs as pdf

Date of publication: All STPs were published in Oct/Nov 2016

Summary of driver:

NHS organisations and local councils are developing shared proposals to improve health and care. Working in 44 geographical areas covering all of England (called ‘footprints’), the plans are led by senior figures from different parts of the local health and care system.

The proposals are designed around the needs of whole areas, not just individual organisations, following discussion with staff, patients and others in the communities they serve.

The latest thinking is set out in 44 Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). These can be viewed below, alongside details of who is leading work in each footprint area.

Primary audience: All

Date last updated: 23rd March 2017

Due for review: 23rd March 2018

Group member responsible: TP

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