The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health

Source: A report from the independent Mental Health Taskforce to the NHS in England

Link to main document

Publication format: pdf

Date of publication: February 2016

Summary of driver: The independent Mental Health Taskforce outlines the 10 year journey for transformation of NHS mental health services placing the experience of people with mental health problems at the heart of it. 20,000+ people outlined the changes they wanted to see and their priorities are prevention, access, integration, quality and a positive experience of care. Their voices are quoted in this report and their views are reflected in the recommendations.

Key features of driver: This document sets out the vision for developing new models of mental health services over the coming years and makes recommendations for the following areas:

  • Getting the Foundations right: commissioning for prevention & quality care
  • Good quality care for all 7 days a week
  • Innovation & research to drive change
  • Strengthening the workforce
  • A transparency and data revolution
  • Incentives, levers and payment
  • Fair regulation & inspection
  • Leadership inside the NHS, across government and in wider society

Primary audience: mental health teams, providers and commissioners

Impact on library policy/practice: Can inform current awareness and evidence searches

Date last updated: February 2016

Due for review: 19th February 2017

Group member responsible: Tracey Pratchett

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