Due north report: PHE response

Title of driver: This collection of documents outlined Public Health England Response to: Due North: The Report of the Inquiry on health equity for the north 

Source: Public Health England

Link to main document 

Publication format: Web page which lists a collection of relevant pdfs

Date of publication: Latest report published in July 2015

Summary of driver: These documents describe the actions Public Health England (PHE) is taking to improve health equity and outlines their plans to address the issues highlighted in Due North: The Report of the Inquiry on health equity for the north .

Key features of driver: The July 2015 document discusses the following key areas and provides examples of best practice for each:

Economic development and living conditions

  • Leading evidence-informed debate on living standards and health inequalities
  • Supporting local partnerships working for economic growth
  • Promoting health at work
  • Working with the housing sector

Early childhood as a critical period

  • Promoting healthy development in early childhood
  • Giving every child the best start in life is a priority

Devolution: having the power to make a difference at the right spatial scale

  • Sharing power and resources and securing community engagement on the
    determinants of health

The vital role of the health sector

  • Strengthening the role of the health sector in promoting health equity

Primary audience: Public Health Staff

Impact on library policy/practice: Library teams supporting public health staff could incorporate these themes into current awareness services.

Date last updated: 19th February 2016

Due for review: 19th February 2017

Group member responsible: Tracey Pratchett

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