
The MAP community of practice allows library staff across the UK to collaborate, share ideas and develop together.  We are a friendly and welcoming team who are always keen to welcome new faces. Why not join us?  You can join our community, submit your MAP story or simply lurk and pick up new ideas!

Click here to see our Terms of Reference

As the MAP community expands we require additional support from health library and information staff in the following ways:

Join the MAP community

We maintain the web site and write short summaries for strategic drivers. We also promote MAP by blogging, Tweeting, delivering workshops and via dissemination at meetings.  Your time commitment can be as little or as great as you wish, and this provides a great opportunity to develop your professional skills in these areas, meet other like-minded librarians from other regions and access a community of friendly support.

Share your “lightbulb” moments with us

We’d love you to share your story with us.  MAP Stories are informal case studies about your own projects and activities. It should only take 30 minutes to write and you can see examples here.


Thanks to the LondonLinks Alignment Toolkit for inspiring us back in 2008.

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