We are the NHS: People Plan for 2020/21 – action for us all

What does this mean for libraries? 

Where we can help: Section 4: New ways of working and delivering care (page 32) is all about upskilling and supporting staff via TEL which includes e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) programme  and the new Learning Hub launched during COVID-19. HEE are committed to developing its e-learning materials.

Two of the ideas behind this include training and education and working with different technologies and this is  where LKS can support staff with training on Teams/zoom/WebEx as well as  hints and tips and flexible working. A lot of us moved our training online immediately so we know how things work and we have already ironed out the kinks and can help people set up.

As a sector, LKS staff are well placed to help with these transitions to different ways of working and learning. During COVID-19 it was apparent from sources such as the library list emails/Twitter/online meetings that LKS services and staff have made changes and innovations in how we delivered our services and utilised our space and the library staff and I think we have a lot of knowledge to share about this.

Both nationally and regionally, LKS staff have been offered a wide range of webinars and training during COVID-19. Topics have ranged from BAME, well-being, leading remote teams, flexible working and more. I think this gives us a head start in those conversations that are beginning to happen now in the NHS and this is the ideal opportunity for us to showcase how transferable our skill set is and how we can support staff through these changes.

The case studies (people stories) are about sharing knowledge and provide an ideal opportunity to link in with our knowledge management skills… just in time for Knowvember.

Source: NHS England

Link to main document

Date of publication: August 2020

Summary of driver:

“We are 1.3 million strong. We are all walks of life, all kinds of experiences. We are the NHS.”

The NHS People Plan follows on from the Interim People Plan (June 2019) which had already started implementing actions to support the workforce. The plan continues supporting transformation across the NHS but now includes COVID-19 support for where these actions were implemented at pace. The four main themes are listed below:

  • Looking after our people– with quality health and wellbeing support for everyone
  • Belonging in the NHS– with a particular focus on tackling the discrimination that some staff face
  • New ways of working and delivering care –making effective use of the full range of our people’s skills and experience
  • Growing for the future– how we recruit and keep our people, and welcome back colleagues who want to return

The Plan recognises “the NHS needs more people, working differently, in a compassionate and inclusive culture” and essentially, it is about making real and lasting change for NHS people, by all of us for all of us.

On Wednesday 5th August I took part in a Twitter chat on the NHS People Plan which was facilitated by NHS Horizons. Check the # to find out more #OurNHSPeople  #WeAreTheNHS  NHS Horizons

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