Quality and Improvement Outcomes Framework

What does this mean for libraries? 

All NHS LKS that are delivering services to organisations which have a Learning Development Agreement with Health Education England will be expected to submit an evaluation against the Framework for each organization that they serve. The deadline for the first submission is 26th June 2020. It is not yet known how often libraries will be asked to submit an evaluation.

This Framework demonstrates a move from measuring quality in terms of process, shifting the focus to outcomes. Assessments will demonstrate how effectively organisations are using library services to deliver critical business functions and will highlight improvement areas through the validation process.

Each LKS will be expected to submit a self evaluation and provide evidence against the 6 key outcome measures. The submission will then be validated by  members of HEE Library and Knowledge Services Leads.

Source: Health Education England

Link to main document 

Date of publication: July 2019

Summary of driver:

NHS LKS will be assessed against the following 6 outcome measures:

  1. All NHS organisations enable their workforce to freely access proactive library and knowledge services that meet organisational priorities within the framework of Knowledge for Healthcare.
  2. All NHS decision making is underpinned by high quality evidence and knowledge mobilised by skilled library and knowledge specialists.
  3. Library and knowledge specialists identify the knowledge and evidence needs of the workforce in order to deliver effective and proactive services.
  4. All NHS organisations receive library and knowledge services provided by teams with the right skill mix to deliver on organisational and Knowledge for Healthcare priorities.
  5. Library and knowledge specialists improve the quality of library and knowledge services using evidence from research, innovation and good practice.
  6. Library and knowledge specialists demonstrate that their services make a positive impact on healthcare.

Further information and supporting documentation is available at https://kfh.libraryservices.nhs.uk/quality-and-improvement-outcomes/quality-and-improvement-outcomes-documentation/

Webinars are available at https://kfh.libraryservices.nhs.uk/quality-and-improvement-outcomes/quality-and-improvement-outcomes-documentation/quality-and-improvement-outcomes-framework-video-podcasts/


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