Key questions for the future of STPs and ICSs

What does this mean for libraries? 

This report is only concerned with the current situation regarding sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems (ICSs), and doesn’t make recommendations. However, it shows that 14 of the 44 STPs have already progressed to become ICSs, and 49% of Trusts agree that ICSs should replace STPs, so it shows that the directions of travel is clearly towards ICSs.

MAP has already looked at the implications of ICSs for LKS in a policy briefing on Integrated Care Organisations.

Source: NHS Providers

Link to main document

Date of publication: August 2018

Summary of driver:

Summarises recent developments in system working, including the state of play of STPs and ICSs.

It also sets out the background to the focus on collaborative working, and looks at some of the models that are emerging. There is also a look at what factors make collaboration more successful.

 A useful infographic summarises the state of play of STPs and ICSs.

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