MAP Improvements – Survey Results 2017

Here at MAP Towers we are always interested in how people use the toolkit and what they think, so late last year we surveyed library staff about the toolkit. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.

The results are in! The drivers were the most accessed resource closely followed by the stories template, examples from other organisations and the policy briefings. The discussion list updates and the workshops/events that Tracey and Victoria led, were the most popular in terms of raising awareness of the toolkit.

Key suggestions for improving the toolkit included:

  • Improve the speed with which national policy is identified and added as a driver
  • Improve the range of drivers included, e.g. Scottish and Welsh policy
  • Provide information on impact away from a traditional acute setting
  • Clearer linking to resources on Knowledge for Healthcare to avoid duplication of effort
  • Less jargon and clearer presentation of the platform
  • Use RSS feeds for hot topics , policy briefings and drivers for sharing with Execs
  • Use a different system as some people cannot access WordPress
  • Introduce a star rating system for useful documents
  • Include excerpts of text from the driver that people have used in their reports / business cases
  • Add more case studies about how to use the toolkit

These results were discussed at our annual face to face meeting in November last year (in Shrewsbury, just before the snow arrived!) and we came up with our action plan for 2018-2019 which is summarised below:

  • Rebranding the project from MAP toolkit to MAP Community; a non-hierarchical, collaborative and informal voluntary learning network
  • Streamlining the drivers’ template to improve responsiveness
  • Reviewing the platform with a view to clearer presentation, removal of jargon and inclusion of example of how people have used the resources
  • Identifying additional volunteers to assist with the workload, particularly from non-acute settings, NHS Scotland and public libraries
  • Improving navigation of the MAP and review other options for hosting
  • Considering a shift in focus to prioritise drivers and move away from gathering impact stories to avoid duplication with Knowledge for Healthcare

All of this should help make the toolkit more useful – in fact there has been a frenzy of editing and rebranding on the back of the survey results and our November meeting.  So thank you to everyone who took time to complete the survey and to everyone who used the toolkit in 2017.

The MAP community produce the resources voluntarily and we are always on the lookout for people to join our merry band.  We are looking to broaden our horizons, so if you are from NHS Scotland and Wales or work in a public/educational library with an interest in health then please email Tracey at  for more information.

If you didn’t want to commit to the toolkit but have used it for something brilliant and want to share it then please let us know and we will upload onto the toolkit for you.

Thank you.


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